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14 Apr 2016, 11:04 am by Old Fox
Harry Reid's bogiemen, The Billionaire Koch Brothers are demonized once again in the piece while the Billionaires George Soros, Barbra Streisand, George Clooney, Oprah Winfrey, David Geffen, AFL-CIO, Bill Gates, Jon Corzine, Robert Rubin, General Electric, Alec Baldwin, Steven Spielberg, Vernon Jordan, Michael Bloomberg, Hillary Clinton, Goldman Sachs, Hugh Hefner all get a free pass? [read post]
7 Nov 2013, 7:53 am by Daniel Shaviro
Investment Strategist at Goldman Sachs; and ….5:30-6:45 p.m.Evening Keynote address by Sir Mervyn King, former head of the Bank of England, Distinguished visiting professor at New York University Law School.6:45-7:45 p.m.Cocktail Reception7:45-8:15 p.m.As you can see, I am chairing Panel 2, at 4 pm (right after teaching a two-hour class), with an eminent panel featuring Len Burman, Fred Goldberg, and Michael Graetz. [read post]
20 Jun 2021, 4:50 am by SHG
I bet Sachs has an excuse for that as well. [read post]
3 Sep 2009, 9:07 pm
Sachs, Bill Sjostrom, Marc Steinberg, Ahmed Taha, Steven Thel, Randall Thomas, and Manning Warren.) [read post]
9 Jul 2021, 7:07 am by John Jascob
Justice Barrett delivered the opinion, in which Justices Roberts, Breyer, Kagan and Kavanaugh joined in full. [read post]
23 Jan 2025, 10:51 am by Stephen E. Sachs
And from the introduction: If there's one thing that Americans are entitled to expect from their law professors, to paraphrase Justice Robert Jackson, it's rules of law that let them tell whether the Constitution has been amended, and if so, how. [read post]
26 Apr 2019, 3:00 am by John Jenkins
Broc recently blogged about SEC Commissioner Robert Jackson’s concerns that insiders were using buybacks as an opportunity to cash out. [read post]
13 Aug 2020, 6:56 am by Margaret Wood
Alexander Sachs, former Blue Eagle Economist at the White House today after a long conference with President Roosevelt. [read post]
17 May 2019, 6:06 am
Statement on Proposed Amendments to Sarbanes Oxley 404(b) Accelerated Filer Definition Posted by Robert J. [read post]
26 Sep 2008, 10:12 pm
  It was a terrific panel:  Nobel winner Robert Merton, Dean of the Harvard Business School Jay Light, Robert Kaplan--Harvard Business School and long-time Goldman Sachs partner, and me. [read post]
26 Sep 2008, 10:12 pm
  It was a terrific panel:  Nobel winner Robert Merton, Dean of the Harvard Business School Jay Light, Robert Kaplan--Harvard Business School and long-time Goldman Sachs partner, and me. [read post]
29 May 2015, 3:51 am by Amy Howe
At Bill of Health, Rachel Sachs discusses Tuesday’s opinion in Commil USA v. [read post]
14 Sep 2011, 8:36 am by Kiera Flynn
  Speakers will include Matthew Adler, Jack Balkin, Stuart Benjamin, James Boyle, Erwin Chemerinsky, Robert Cooter, Mark Hall, Gillian Metzger, Abigail Moncrieff, Arti Rai, Barak Richman, Theodore Ruger, Stephen Sachs, Neil Siegel, Ilya Somin, Guy-Uriel Charles and Ernest Young. [read post]
3 Jan 2010, 7:01 pm by Randall Reese
L.P., Five Mile Capital Partners LLC, Goldman Sachs Capital Partners and Dune Capital Management LP. [read post]