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25 May 2023, 8:42 pm by Immigration Prof
Don't miss the NEW REPORT by Sabrina Rivera, Executive Director of the Orange County Justice Fund, and Dr. [read post]
19 Oct 2021, 9:43 am by Immigration Prof
Guest blogger: Sabrina Nassir, law student, University of San Francisco Twenty years. [read post]
5 Sep 2014, 4:00 am by Jeff Welty
In North Carolina, the top story is the exoneration of Henry McCollum and Leon Brown, who were incarcerated for over 30 years in connection with the rape and murder of 11-year-old Sabrina Buie. [read post]
22 Jun 2016, 6:00 am by Reproductive Rights
With Zika, by Sabrina Tavernise: The number of pregnant women infected with the Zika virus in the U.S. has risen to 234. [read post]
16 Feb 2018, 6:04 am by Legal Writing Prof
The Suffolk University Board of Trustees approved tenure for six of its legal writing professors: Sabrina DeFabritiis, Shailini Jandial George, Rosa Kim, Samantha A. [read post]
15 May 2019, 3:23 am by Immigration Prof
This report by Raph Majma, Lindsey Wagner, Sabrina Fonseca looks at steps that could improve naturalization rates. [read post]
31 Oct 2016, 6:00 am by Reproductive Rights
New York Times (October 28, 2016): Medicaid Finds Opportune Time to Offer Birth Control: Right After Birth, by Sabrina Tavernise: South Carolina and several other states are offering access to long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) to women who qualify for Medicaid... [read post]
20 Jan 2021, 7:38 am by Howard Bashman
“Coast Guard Blamed for Death of Immigrant Trying to Cross Border”: Sabrina Canfield of Courthouse News Service had this report back in August 2020. [read post]
31 Mar 2016, 5:05 am by Reproductive Rights
New York Times (March 31, 2016): New FDA Guidelines Ease Access on Abortion Pill, by Sabrina Tavernise: The Food and Drug Administration has updated its guidelines on mifepristone, the drug that is used for medication abortions. [read post]
17 Nov 2020, 10:20 am by Paul Caron
Sabrina DeFabritiis (Suffolk) & Kathleen Elliott Vinson (Suffolk), Under Pressure: How Incorporating Time-Pressured Performance Tests Prepares Students for the Bar Exam and Practice, 122 W. [read post]
9 Nov 2015, 8:00 am by VALL Blog Master
Big sister Sabrina is thrilled with her baby sister. [read post]
30 Jan 2009, 8:21 am
Today, AFPDs Helaine Batoff and Sabrina Puglisi get to start their weekend off with a bang -- not guilty on a Friday afternoon, again before Judge Altonaga. [read post]
25 Mar 2021, 4:25 am by Immigration Prof
" Sabrina Rodriguez, Burgess Everett, and Marianne Levine for Politic report that a bipartisan group of U.S. [read post]
18 Feb 2013, 7:26 am by Reproductive Rights
The New York Times: Use of Morning-After Pill Is Rising, Report Says, by Sabrina Tavernise: The use of morning-after pills by American women has more than doubled in recent years, driven largely by rising rates of use among women in... [read post]
14 Oct 2008, 6:56 pm
In today's New York Times, Sabrina Tavernise reports on how a growing number of young women in Turkey are challenging the assumptions of Turkish secularism, asserting that freedom, particularly the right of self-expression, should be understood to encompass the right... [read post]
8 Nov 2024, 2:50 pm by Howard Bashman
“Trump Set to Move Courts Further Right, Deepening Judicial Clout; Dozens of vacancies could open in the appeals courts that decide on pressing and far-reaching issues, from financial regulations to abortion”: Sabrina Willmer, Madlin Mekelburg, and Erik Larson of Bloomberg News have this report. [read post]