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The Republic of Croatia Wednesday filed a declaration of intervention in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) case of Ukraine v. [read post]
19 Aug 2010, 4:39 am
Selected items by law firms recently posted on the InternetSource: Lexology in cooperation with the Association of Corporate Counsel[Click on caption to access item posted on the Internet]Court, not arbitrator, decides contract formation question in the arbitration contextKelley Drye & Warren LLPAlfred Janiga has lived and worked in the United States for over 20 years since his arrival from Poland.Washington - Washington court holds statute of limitations doesn't apply to… [read post]
7 Oct 2015, 1:10 am
 Last month, representatives of Bavaria and Poland signed an agreement transferring the rights in this anthem to Poland. [read post]
29 Nov 2022, 12:10 pm by Lawrence Solum
An addendum includes the decision of the United States Supreme Court in Dobbs v. [read post]
28 Dec 2020, 9:09 am by Cyberleagle
Any future changes to the UK copyright framework will be “considered as part of the usual domestic policy process”.The Polish government’s challenge to Article 17 (Poland v Parliament and Council, Case C-401/19) is pending. [read post]
9 Jan 2015, 9:30 pm by Karen Tani
From the New York Review of Books: "'Selma' v. [read post]
10 May 2024, 10:45 am by Unknown
"Mandated economic self-sufficiency from state and refugee perspectives: refugee integration policy and practice in Sweden and New Zealand," Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Latest Articles, 1 May 2024 [open access] Plan Nacional de Reasentamiento y Vías Complementarias de Admisión a la República Argentina para personas refugiadas, apátridas y necesitadas de protección internacional (Comisión Nacional Para Los… [read post]
4 Nov 2022, 6:17 am by Matrix Legal Support Service
Matters came to a head in the Supreme Court in 2012 in Pomiechowski v Poland [2012] 1 WLR 1604, when this Court decried the unfairness of the system and strove to find a more sustainable way around it. [read post]
2 Mar 2022, 2:33 pm
   For that purpose we’ve mobilized American ground forces, air squadrons, and ship deployments to protect NATO countries including Poland, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. [read post]
10 Dec 2019, 4:19 pm by INFORRM
Poland Poland’s ruling party has sued a law professor for tweets claiming the organisation was a “organized criminal group”, the New York Times reports. [read post]
9 Feb 2016, 1:26 pm by Annemarie Bridy
The users named in the case come from countries around the world, including the UK, Poland, and Mexico, in addition to the United States. [read post]