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24 Aug 2010, 10:30 am
” Susan Cartier Liebel, “The Virtual Law Office Debate…Really? [read post]
31 Oct 2010, 8:15 pm
I’ll be up in the New York area next week, speaking at an NYSBA Bar event, and while I’m there, I’m joining up with Susan Cartier-Liebel at Solo Practice University to host a joint meet up at Rare Bar & Grill, 152 West 26th Street between 6th and 7th Avenue, Sunday, November 7th, 5 pm. [read post]
5 Dec 2014, 10:47 pm
Susan Cartier Liebel? [read post]
12 Feb 2010, 7:00 am
Susan Cartier Liebel is not impressed by the ABA's newest efforts. [read post]
12 Apr 2007, 2:44 pm
One example of someone who disagrees with me is Susan Cartier-Liebel. [read post]
21 Jan 2008, 3:27 am
Meanwhile, the widely respected legal business coach Susan Cartier Liebel hosts Blawg Review #142 at Build a Solo Practice, where she distills a week’s worth of posts and expert advice into a “Letter to a New Lawyer”. [read post]
4 Jan 2012, 7:07 am
In it, Susan Cartier Liebel identifies the following characteristics of a successful legal entrepreneur: Ability to build relationships and connect with others Ability to see opportunities others miss Commitment to an end goal Stamina and endurance to realize a vision What really struck me about Liebel’s article were two observations she makes: The attributes of a successful entrepreneur “are likely learnable skills that education, training and… [read post]
28 Mar 2009, 2:53 am
Since 2001, I have operated the Law Offices of Susan Cartier-Liebel, LLC. [read post]
22 Dec 2008, 6:00 am
By launching Solo Practice University, lawyer coach and consultant Susan Cartier Liebel aims to solve that common problem. [read post]
4 Nov 2009, 12:49 pm
I would also like to thank Susan Cartier Liebel, founder of Solo Practice University who recommended me for this interview. [read post]
4 Nov 2009, 12:49 pm
I would also like to thank Susan Cartier Liebel, founder of Solo Practice University who recommended me for this interview. [read post]
22 Dec 2008, 6:00 am
By launching Solo Practice University, lawyer coach and consultant Susan Cartier Liebel aims to solve that common problem. [read post]
4 Nov 2009, 6:49 am
I would also like to thank Susan Cartier Liebel, founder of Solo Practice University who recommended me for this interview. [read post]
12 Jul 2012, 5:30 am
It all started with the opportunity I received from Susan Cartier Liebel of SPU, after a talk she gave at Pace University Law School on Lawyers in Transition Starting Their Own Solo Practice. [read post]
28 Feb 2012, 4:17 am
Written by Susan Cartier Liebel [read post]
4 Mar 2007, 11:37 am
However, as discussed on Susan Cartier Liebel’s blog, this subject comes up in all areas of employment, including lawyers. [read post]
13 Apr 2010, 11:14 am
I believe it was well received, and was pleased to see that Susan Cartier Liebel liked the presentation. [read post]
6 Mar 2009, 5:47 am
I’ve been following coach/consultant Susan Cartier Liebel online since she launched her terrific blog, Build A Solo Practice, LLC. [read post]
7 Jan 2009, 4:15 am
When I was a prosecutor thinking about making the switch and hanging out my own shingle, I followed Susan Cartier Liebel’s blog, “Build a Solo Practice. [read post]
16 Nov 2010, 6:25 pm
Creating High-Touch Relationships Dan Hull, Karen Glover, US District Court Judge John Kane, Susan Cartier Liebel Being All That You Can Be Marian Lee, Bruce MacEwen, Michael Melcher, Catherine Hance Summer Reading Anne Castle, Nancy Sher Cohen, Donald Polden, David Maister Inspirations for New Lawyers Brooke Wunnicke, Linda Kornfeld, Ed Post Top Titles on Pecuniary Matters Joan Haratani, Patton Hyman, John Warnick, Diane Levin Guidance on Leadership Scott Rogers, Ida… [read post]