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28 Aug 2018, 8:13 am by Carolyn Shapiro
Carolyn Shapiro is associate professor of law and co-director of the Institute on the Supreme Court of the United States at Chicago-Kent College of Law. [read post]
13 Mar 2023, 2:44 am by Matrix Law
Z o.o. and others v Jakubowski and others, heard 28th February 2023 Thaler v Comptroller-General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, heard 2nd March 2023 The Manchester Ship Canal Company Ltd v United Utilites Water Ltd No 2, heard 6th March 2023 London Borough of Merton Council v Nuffield Health Ltd, heard 7th March 2023 R (on the application of Palmer) v Northern Derbyshire Magistrates Court and another, heard… [read post]
27 Feb 2025, 5:48 am by Burt Neuborne
In the end, as Secretary Schlesinger explained, the suspension orders were not transmitted only because the fast-moving events in the United States courts and the time lag between the United States and Cambodia made it impossible to effectuate timely service of Justice William Douglas’ order on the Secretary of Defense. [read post]
22 May 2020, 10:10 am by Simmons Hanly Conroy
” While many talc products are still on store shelves, asbestos consumption, by comparison, has sharply decreased since the 1980s, though it still remains legal to use in the United States today. [read post]
10 Sep 2010, 8:07 am by Bexis
General Motors Corp., 575 P.2d 1162, 1168-69 (Cal. 1978); see State Dept. of Health Services v. [read post]
23 Apr 2013, 2:06 pm by Kevin Russell
The United States has filed an amicus brief supporting Nassar. [read post]
13 Oct 2020, 6:00 am by Jeffrey Bellin
Discussion The basic test for identifying a Fourth Amendment seizure comes from Justice Potter Stewart’s opinion in United States v. [read post]
3 Sep 2014, 9:51 am by Abbott & Kindermann
” This question is reminiscent of the challenge to the United States Supreme Court in defining obscenity and Justice Potter Stewart’s concurring opinion when he acknowledged the difficulty of articulating a standard, writing “I know it when I see it”, and then concluding that the movie in question was not obscene. [read post]
30 Oct 2017, 3:04 am by Scott Bomboy
Carpenter is citing a more recent Court decision from 2012, United States v. [read post]
19 Jul 2010, 12:25 am by Marie Louise
-Conn (IPKat) (EPLAW) EWHC (Ch): All threats, no action…: Best Buy Co Inc and another v Worldwide Sales Corporation Espana SL (IPKat)   United States  US General California’s Trade Secret disclosure statute doesn’t apply in Federal Court – or maybe it does (IP ADR Blog) US Patents USPTO wants to change restriction practice (Patent Baristas) The post-Bilski landscape: Why some tried, but failed, to ban ‘business method’… [read post]
29 Jun 2012, 2:38 pm by Lovechilde
San Quentin State Prison 40 years ago today, the United States Supreme Court decided Furman v. [read post]
11 Aug 2014, 4:24 am by Ben
 Automated Solutions Corporation v. [read post]