Search for: "WOOD V. STATE OF TEXAS" Results 141 - 160 of 341
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10 Apr 2014, 10:58 pm by Jeff Gamso
Not long after I moved to Toledo from Texas, I was talking with a judge in his chambers. [read post]
15 Jun 2024, 8:05 pm by Josh Blackman
Maybe a decade of serving with Judges Easterbrook and Wood would have had an impact on her. [read post]
18 May 2012, 6:57 pm by WOLFGANG DEMINO
Justice, 148 S.W.3d 374, 381-82 (Tex.2004) (examining federal law when interpreting state statute that incorporated federal statute). [read post]
6 Jul 2012, 11:02 am by Matt Murphy
President Lyndon Johnson signed the historic law in 1966 at his ranch in Texas. [read post]
9 Nov 2011, 7:56 am by Steve Hall
Don Wood, was provided to Morton's lawyers in 2008 as part of a request under Texas open records laws. [read post]
22 Aug 2016, 4:10 am by SHG
Texas was six days off from killing a guy, Jeff Wood, who never killed anyone. [read post]
4 Dec 2009, 8:17 am
Following a last-minute appeal to the Supreme Court last night, the State of Texas executed Bobby Wayne Woods, the New York Times reports. [read post]
18 Aug 2023, 3:00 am by Shea Denning
Or so said the Texas Court of Appeals (Amarillo) in Boes v. [read post]
24 Jun 2013, 9:15 am by Mark Litwak
The United States Supreme Court weighed the Right of Publicity against first amendment rights in the case of Zacchini v. [read post]
5 Oct 2010, 4:40 am by cdw
In the news, the  New York Times reports that the shortage of this drug has not only halted executions in several states, but is also disrupting ordinary surgical protocols; Steve Hall at StandDown notes, however, the executioners in Texas & Arkansas, are purportedly well stocked. [read post]