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5 Mar 2015, 7:35 pm by Abbe Gluck
I have a new piece at Politico that follows up on the federalism arguments in King v. [read post]
15 Apr 2017, 12:21 pm
Initially two black males entered the store, and they were later joined by a third black male. [read post]
3 Apr 2009, 3:49 am
Mar. 30, 2009)(Unpub)Affirming dismissal of Black sales rep's race/discharge suit6th CircuitSybrandt v. [read post]
23 Sep 2014, 7:42 am by Venkat Balasubramani
Sure, imposing a duty to warn imposes some costs on an internet business and may have a “marginal chilling effect”. [read post]
22 Jan 2012, 6:52 am
But, in the mean time, it may be instructive to look at some of the facts after we get the full paper. [read post]
27 May 2013, 8:50 am by emagraken
After the fact conduct is not an admission of negligence, but it may establish that measures were taken which converted an unsafe area into a reasonably safe one, and it may also establish the ease or difficulty with which a risk may have been avoided: see Cahoon at para. 21; O’Leary v Rupert, 2010 BCSC 240 at paras. 47-48. [39]         In re-painting the edges of all stairs and the patio step in… [read post]
22 Jul 2008, 12:04 am
I would venture to guess that the folks behind Psystar may be bankrolling Open Tech as well. [read post]
31 Oct 2017, 10:46 am by EMMA FOUBISTER, MATRIX
Elias LJ (with whom Patten LJ and Black LJ agreed) dismissed the appeal on all grounds. [read post]
17 Oct 2023, 2:26 am by INFORRM
On 13 October 2023, Mr Justice Julian Knowles handed down judgement in Aaronson v Stones [2023] EWHC 2399 (KB). [read post]
3 Mar 2011, 12:01 pm
Drivers should be cautious early in the morning as overnight freezing temperatures may bring black ice conditions to the area. [read post]
3 Mar 2011, 12:01 pm
Drivers should be cautious early in the morning as overnight freezing temperatures may bring black ice conditions to the area. [read post]