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1 Dec 2022, 8:37 am by Eric Goldman
The court concludes: Whether it is wise for members of the United States Congress to block critical constituents from their social-media accounts is not for a court to say. [read post]
26 Jun 2014, 1:00 pm by HR Hero Alerts
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in Noel Canning v. [read post]
10 Aug 2012, 12:32 pm by Lyle Denniston
”   The ruling came in the case of Jackson v. [read post]
5 Jan 2012, 4:14 pm
Summary of Legal Developments: Federal Judge Blocks the LCFS Reductions in the average carbon intensity level were set to begin in 2011, but the corn ethanol industry, the refining industry, truckers and other interests have challenged the constitutionality of LCFS in a consolidated action before District Judge Lawrence O’Neill in the Eastern District of California (Rocky Mountain Farmers Union v. [read post]
25 Jun 2010, 12:57 pm by Robert Thomas (
New York State Urban Development Corp., No. 125: "Judicial review of eminent domain in New York is fundamentally broken" - Damon W. [read post]
8 Aug 2012, 10:41 am by Cyrus Farivar
 The court unanimously ruled (PDF) in Al Haramain Islamic Foundation v. [read post]
  The patent relates in particular to what happens when an object (such as a player or the ball) blocks the TV camera’s view of the display boards. [read post]
29 Aug 2013, 2:56 pm by Dave
The outcome of this battle may provide some insight into what powers states can bring to bear on patent trolls. [read post]