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25 Oct 2005, 10:00 pm
El interesante obituario que hace el Washington Post puede leerse, en inglés, en este link..::.- En oportunidad de su cincuentenario, escribí para "El Derecho" una evocación del fallo "Brown v. [read post]
18 Jan 2016, 3:11 pm by Michael Smith
Jan. 14, 2016) the court of appeals decided a case dealing with an asset purchase agreement for, among other things, certain real estate. [read post]
18 Jan 2010, 4:43 am by Rich
(UPDATE: Read this post by Barrett Brown who really tears into Friedman) In short, no. [read post]
25 Feb 2007, 11:57 pm
. Politician's Heirs Snare Thelen Reid in Complex Estate Battle New York Law Journal Thelen Reid Brown Raysman & Steiner's representation of the estate of a wealthy Mexican politician has landed the firm in a controversy worthy of a steamy telenovela. [read post]
24 May 2022, 5:55 pm by Michael Ehline
The criminal case wasn’t filed by the surviving family of Nicole Brown Simpson or Ron Goldman. [read post]
20 Jun 2011, 10:39 am by Tomassi Law Associates
TLA handles personal injury, real estate, estate planning, divorce, bankruptcy, criminal law. [read post]
22 Mar 2012, 11:59 am by Kristine Knaplund
  She is an Academic Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel, and serves as Vice Chair of the ABA Elder Law, Disability Planning and Bioethics Group. [read post]
14 Apr 2007, 11:02 am
Just this February, a Texas court ordered Baker Botts, along with co-defendant Wells Fargo & Co., which served as executor of an estate, to pay $71 million to the trust of a widow for breach of fiduciary duty while planning her husband's estate. [read post]
27 Nov 2009, 12:20 pm
 All are guilty, but we can't do much about individual responsibility or the sales puffery that abounds in the real estate market. [read post]
23 Nov 2010, 9:06 am by WSLL
Shaw of Brown, Drew & Massey, Sheridan, Wyoming.Date of Decision: November 23, 2010Facts: Roxie Carol Kelly filed a complaint for divorce from Appellant. [read post]
7 Sep 2021, 1:47 pm by Kevin Kaufman
He would also introduce new limits for agricultural cooperatives and qualified real estate investment trusts (REITs). [read post]
22 Feb 2012, 6:45 am by Conor McEvily
Brown and Clarksburg Nursing Home & Rehabilitation Center, LLC v. [read post]