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23 Oct 2013, 2:11 pm
Our keynote speaker will be Mary Frances Berry (JD ’70, PhD ‘66), the Geraldine R. [read post]
5 Aug 2023, 6:15 am
Hacker Gender Disruption, Amelioration, and Transformation: A Comparative Perspective by Rosalind Dixon and Amelia Loughland From Reproductive Rights to Reproductive Justice: Abortion in Constitutional Law and Politics by Mary Ziegler Constitutionalizing Reproductive Rights (and Justice) by Melissa Murray and Hilarie Meyers Invisible Women and Intangible Property: A Feminist Consciousness Raising for Authors and Inventors by Ann C. [read post]
29 Jun 2008, 6:29 pm
From the Muncie Star-Press's Public access counselor says Muncie violated law: "MUNCIE -- The city of Muncie gave The Star Press 'a number of problematic reasons' for denial of access to a proposed street-paving list for 2008, Indiana Public Access Counselor Heather Willis Neal has concluded.AdvertisementResponding to the newspaper's formal complaint alleging the city violated the Access to Public Records Act (APRA), Neal wrote in an advisory opinion that Mayor Sharon… [read post]
19 Jan 2010, 10:50 am
Petitions have been created to save the law libraries - Save Bridgeport Petition Save Litchfield Petition Save Milford Petition Save Norwich Petition We are the law librarians at Bridgeport and LLNE members- Mary Ann Krivicky and Karen… [read post]
1 Aug 2011, 1:51 pm
Tim Haeck reports on that detectives in Tacoma are hopeful that having Bundy's DNA sample in the system will lay to rest their oldest cold case murder, the 1961 death of eight-year-old Ann Marie Burr. [read post]
29 Dec 2017, 5:32 pm
The proposed measure, backed by a state lawmakers such as Assemblyman Jim Cooper, D-Elk Grove, and Sacramento County District Attorney Anne-Marie Schubert, could appear on next year’s November 2018 ballot. [read post]
10 Jun 2013, 2:30 pm
For more information, enclosed is a short video on the incorporation and tax exemption process: Law Office of Anne Marie Segal provides legal counsel to businesses and individuals. [read post]
9 Feb 2011, 3:12 pm
Carla Marie Ciampa: OK, I just read "By Nightfall" by Michael Cunningham. [read post]
18 Aug 2010, 5:59 am
After the court hearing, Health and Safety Executive inspector, Anne Marie Orrells, drew attention to the fact that Mr Davies' life had been changed forever by the accident, which could so easily have been prevented. [read post]
24 Aug 2010, 3:00 pm
Mary Dorman, Tim Gay, Ethan Geto, Tommy Greco, Hon. [read post]
17 Sep 2010, 12:00 am
Corcoran, associate professor of art; Mary Ann Dzuback, PhD, director of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and associate professor of education, of history and of women, gender, and sexuality studies, all in Arts & Sciences; Tonya Edmond, PhD, associate professor of social work and associate dean for academic affairs, George Warren Brown School of Social Work; Ralph S. [read post]
14 Aug 2014, 6:54 am
The plaintiffs also contend that (2) the court erred in denying plaintiffs’ motion for a preliminary injunction with respect to the government’s allegedly discontinued internet data surveillance, and in denying plaintiffs’ motion with respect to plaintiff Mary Ann Strange, and (3) the district court should have reached a decision on plaintiffs’ first and fifth amendment claims. [read post]
31 Oct 2014, 3:28 pm
Last July, CBS 5 in Mesa, AZ reported that Mary Ann Mendoza had written the President asking him to enforce immigration laws, "The Federal Government knew he, Raul Silva Corona , was an illegal immigrant when he was convicted on crimes in 1994 in Colorado. [read post]
3 Jun 2008, 12:24 pm
Perry's deputy general counsel Mary Anne Wiley, Bill Allison from the UT law school, Pat Johnson from the DPS Crime Lab, James McLaughlin of the Texas Police Chiefs Association, Dallas DA Craig Watkins, El Paso DA Jaime Esparza, state Rep. [read post]
13 Apr 2010, 9:54 am
One of my favorite lines concerns Mary Anne Pettit, whose husband Chris Petit, left her for another woman. [read post]
28 Oct 2019, 10:55 am
Hislop – Workers’ CompensationStephen Allard – Workers’ CompensationIn addition, two of-counsel attorneys were also selected: Ann Marie Maguire – Personal Injury Medical MalpracticeMaria Mancini Scott – Employment & LaborManaging Partner Sean Flaherty said, “This is another great year of Super Lawyers for our firm, in fact, a record year. [read post]
7 Apr 2007, 10:40 pm
An article in the Chicago Tribune by Mary Ann Fergus does a good job of summarizing the legal landscape, namely that, because animals are legally property, individuals who keep animals as companions can generally only recover the market value of a deceased animal. [read post]
13 May 2009, 8:00 am
Anne-Marie Braswell, a Rural/Metro spokeswoman, said that the electrocution accident in Tucson was reported just before 10:30 a.m. by someone near the accident site. [read post]
5 Jan 2016, 3:55 pm
Deo, Professor of Law, Thomas Jefferson School of Law; Adrian Gonzales, Interim Superintendent/President and Vice President of Student Services, Palomar Community College; Vallera Johnson, Administrative Law Judge; Catherine Lucey, Professor and Vice Dean for Education, UCSF School of Medicine; Mary Ann Mason, Professor of Law and Co-Director of the Center on Health, Economic, and Family Security, UC Berkeley; Linda Trinh Vo, Professor of Asian… [read post]
7 Mar 2008, 8:29 am
–Ann Bartow [read post]