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4 Jan 2022, 4:10 am by SHG
 If your theory of the Constitution renders all laws unconstitutional, you need to re-think. [read post]
22 Jun 2020, 3:52 am by Edith Roberts
” At the Duke Center for Firearms Law’s Second Thoughts blog, Jake Charles looks into why the court declined last week to hear any of 10 Second Amendment cases on its cert docket, unpacks Justice Clarence Thomas’ dissent from denial in one of the cases and envisions “at least a few ways a new case could get” the court’s review. [read post]
15 Oct 2020, 4:17 am by Mario Machado
  Sometimes they even duke it out over the same collar. [read post]
29 Jun 2015, 5:14 am by SHG
Of course, the reaction was that it happens, and has happened in notorious cases, like Duke Lacrosse and more recently Jackie/UVA, Mattress Girl and others. [read post]
11 Dec 2013, 8:33 am by Jane Chong
Or if you’re kind of a commitment-phobe: play some online games to help DARPA eliminate vulnerabilities in commercial off-the-shelf software used by the U.S. military. [read post]
29 Nov 2018, 4:14 pm by Ansara Law Personal Injury Attorneys
Both the estate and surviving ex-wife consulted with Miami probate lawyers to help them duke out the details. [read post]
8 Jul 2017, 5:17 am by David Meyer Lindenberg
Whether you’re on the left or right, don’t let the haters, losers and social-media whiners get you down. [read post]
18 Oct 2010, 6:36 am by Holly Hayes
“Because of tort reform, we’re not being sued as much and not paying out as much. [read post]
18 Apr 2018, 5:10 am by SHG
If it turned out that the broken arm just happened, because kids fall and get hurt because they’re kids, the solution proved far more harmful than the putative disease. [read post]
31 Aug 2010, 10:43 pm by Greg McNeal
  In particular, I found it funny last year when I met candidates and law professors who convinced themselves that they too did not go to an elite law school because they went to NYU, Georgetown, Michigan, Duke, or Northwestern. [read post]
12 Jan 2012, 10:02 pm by Robert Thomas (
We're initially led to believe this is shaping up as a compulsory purchase fight when the issues shift to the destruction of sand dunes, and then back to the property rights issue. [read post]
2 Jan 2024, 3:05 am by Scott Chao, Appspace
He has an MBA from the University of Texas, Austin and dual degrees from Duke University. [read post]
26 Jun 2012, 2:09 pm by Wystan M. Ackerman
Dukes, arguing that Wal-Mart requires the lower courts to decide the types of merits issues that the Third Circuit refused to take up. [read post]
26 Oct 2010, 5:15 am by SHG
But if you're okay with taking an economic backseat to India, well, then there's no reason to be concerned and certainly no point in your reading such a boring, law-related post. [read post]
28 Nov 2024, 9:05 pm by Macy Berryman
” WHAT WE’RE READING THIS WEEK In an article in the Yale Journal on Regulation, Asaf Eckstein, Associate Professor at Hebrew University, and Roy Shapira Professor of Law at Reichman University, discussed the often underestimated role of compliance gatekeepers in large corporations. [read post]
27 Nov 2024, 12:32 pm by Jack Sharman
If you want blazer buttons nowadays, you’re mostly limited to ones featuring a fashion brand’s logo or some faux aristocratic crest. [read post]
25 Aug 2008, 3:23 am
Nowak's housing courtroom, more typically a venue where landlords and tenants duke it out over evictions and back rent. [read post]