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29 Jan 2019, 8:02 am
 The Defendant’s use causes detriment to distinctive character of the Claimant’s UK mark, ie dilution. [read post]
15 Nov 2016, 8:56 am by Marie-Andree Weiss
Breyer This remark was expounded at the Supreme Court earlier this month during a hearing in relation to Star Athletica L.L.C v Varsity Brands, Inc., et al.. [read post]
14 Jul 2014, 3:10 am
Distinctive character The greater the earlier mark's distinctive character, the wider is the degree of protection accorded to it -- so how great was the distinctive character of MAGNET 4? [read post]
2 Oct 2017, 6:31 am
., Ltd v Big Ben Interactive (EU:C:2017:724, 27 September 2017).For those of you who don't know who have never had the pleasure of playing Mario Kart, Tetris or Zelda, Nintendo is a Japanese gaming company which creates both consoles and associated controllers (e.g. the Wii and Switch) and games (e.g. [read post]
22 May 2019, 4:58 pm by INFORRM
The dissenting judgments of Lords Sumption and Wilson were to the effect that s.67(8) RIPA was clear in ousting the Court’s jurisdiction and that the rule of law was “sufficiently vindicated” by the judicial character of the IPT [172]. [read post]
2 May 2012, 7:13 am by Conor McEvily
” At this blog, Alan Horowitz analyzes last week’s opinion in United States v. [read post]