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1 Jul 2019, 2:56 am by Walter Olson
Laws banning truthful business speech about lawful conduct should trip First Amendment review [Ilya Shapiro on Cato amicus brief in Seeberger v. [read post]
12 Jun 2019, 11:56 am by Jeff Margulies (US)
The most sensational claim is that former Governor Jerry Brown put out a “kill order” on Judge Berle’s ruling at the coffee companies’ request, directing OEHHA to adopt a regulation to reverse the ruling. [read post]
12 Jun 2019, 11:56 am by Jeff Margulies (US)
The most sensational claim is that former Governor Jerry Brown put out a “kill order” on Judge Berle’s ruling at the coffee companies’ request, directing OEHHA to adopt a regulation to reverse the ruling. [read post]
28 May 2019, 2:59 am by Walter Olson
Not good [Sam Bieler via Scott Greenfield, Jacob Sullum] Judge rules that New Jersey may not automatically suspend driving privileges over unpaid child support without a hearing to establish willfulness, lest it violate due process and fundamental fairness [New Jersey Law Journal; Kavadas v. [read post]
22 May 2019, 3:02 am by Walter Olson
” More: Scott Shackford, Elizabeth Nolan Brown, Hans Bader, and earlier here and here; America is not in a constitutional crisis: “Politicians have become incentivized to declare constitutional crises because it enhances their own importance as saviors and demonizes their opponents as illegitimate. [read post]
15 Feb 2019, 3:01 am by Walter Olson
” Courts should handle accordingly [Ilya Shapiro on Cato amicus brief in Cisse v. [read post]
14 Jan 2019, 3:53 am
Concluding that Applicant Scott Stawski was not entitled to concurrent use registrations for the marks PROSPER ESTATE and PROSPER RIDGE for wines, the Board dissolved this concurrent use proceeding. [read post]