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7 Mar 2007, 4:05 pm
Constance Baker Motley (1921-2005): Judge Motley's career included many "firsts. [read post]
21 Dec 2009, 4:12 pm by NL
It makes a distinct contrast and counterpoint to R (Garbet) v Circle 33 Housing Trust and another [2009] EWHC 3153 (Admin) [our note here]. [read post]
21 Dec 2009, 4:12 pm by NL
It makes a distinct contrast and counterpoint to R (Garbet) v Circle 33 Housing Trust and another [2009] EWHC 3153 (Admin) [our note here]. [read post]
8 Jul 2008, 11:17 am
The Scheduled Panel Members are: Chief Judge Baker, Judges Riley and Judge Robb. [read post]
1 Jul 2023, 8:10 am by Michael C. Dorf
Because we could not show this for the fatal encounter involving my client Jordan Baker, and even though the officer admitted race was a factor he considered when stopping Baker, that did not matter under the law. [read post]
1 Nov 2018, 6:52 pm by INFORRM
 Persephone Bridgman Baker provides a useful analysis of the merits of ABC itself. [read post]
12 Oct 2020, 7:25 am by Marcia Coyle
Vitale, striking down school-sponsored prayer in public schools, Baker v. [read post]
10 Jan 2009, 1:17 pm
" The two dissenting judges (Erdmann & Ryan, JJ.) argued that the majority's approach was precluded by United States v. [read post]
9 Dec 2010, 4:47 pm by Stephen Page
We also observe that in relation to what Baker J said in Kowaliw with respect to the sharing by parties of financial losses, in Browne v Green [1999] FamCA 1483; (1999) FLC 92-873 the Full Court (Lindenmayer, Finn and Holden JJ) observed at 86,364:On a careful consideration of the material before us, we have had to conclude that it was manifestly unjust to the husband in this case to depart from the Kowaliw guideline and to place upon him the full burden of the losses,… [read post]