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9 Apr 2012, 7:49 pm by Kevin Funnell
Alan Kaplinsky and his colleagues at Ballard Spahr wondered the same thing and decided to expand that analysis a bit. [read post]
18 Jul 2007, 9:02 am
United States 54 USPQ2d 1519, 1530 (Ct. [read post]
27 May 2012, 10:31 pm by Leland E. Beck
The Supreme Court of the United States unanimously took Congress at its word last week. [read post]
11 Dec 2008, 2:19 pm
Ballard, 4759, 4759A, 5158/06, 4624/06, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK, APPELLATE DIVISION, FIRST DEPARTMENT, 2008 NY Slip Op 9647; 2008 N.Y. [read post]
18 May 2008, 10:03 am
The other billboards will be removed within the next few days, according to Jessica Higdon, deputy press secretary for Mayor Greg Ballard. [read post]
19 Dec 2006, 10:14 am
Ogletree, Jr., All Deliberate Speed: Reflections on the First Half-Century of Brown v. [read post]