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14 Jan 2022, 9:00 pm by Andrew Hamm
State courts’ general jurisdiction over out-of-state businesses In Cooper Tire & Rubber Company v. [read post]
29 Mar 2012, 3:45 am by Russ Bensing
   The state stipulated in Cooper that the duty had been breached. [read post]
24 Jun 2024, 8:41 am
Today's advance release criminal law opinion: State v. [read post]
26 May 2010, 11:10 pm
Pre-Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court has rendered a decision in the case of Prosecutor v. [read post]
21 May 2010, 9:55 pm by Lawrence Solum
Here is the abstract: This Article considers the significant state court reform developments in the year following the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Caperton v. [read post]
4 Jul 2012, 5:46 pm by INFORRM
I am a long-term member of the Jury Charge committee of my state bar in the United States, a committee that writes the legal instructions to the jury in civil cases, and was thus very pleased to observe the closing arguments and the Judge’s summing up to the jury in the recent trial of Cooper v Evening Standard and Associated Newspapers, a civil  jury trial that arose from a newspaper article that incorrectly reported that Mr. [read post]
15 Jul 2015, 8:10 am
”  Quoting its earlier criticism of this language in United States v. [read post]
19 Aug 2021, 1:02 pm by Unreported Opinions
(“Badii”) was mentally incompetent to practice medicine and failed to cooperate with an investigation of the Board, as required by Maryland Code, Health Occupations (“HO”) § ... [read post]
21 Oct 2011, 10:05 am by WOLFGANG DEMINO
CONTRACT LAW: Texas courts recognize implied duty to cooperate   A duty to cooperate is implied in every contract in which cooperation is necessary for performance of the contract. [read post]