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14 Dec 2007, 4:22 am
In addition, affected companies should detail the types of variable interests they hold in the off-balance sheet entity.The SEC staff also favors the detailed disclosure of the company's obligations under the liquidity facilities. [read post]
30 Mar 2020, 4:00 am by Howard Friedman
Selznick, Mangers and Turbans: Nonverbal Religious Expression in a Diverse Workplace, (University of Baltimore Law Review, Vol. 49, No. 2, 2020).Orazio Condorelli & Rafael Domingo Osle, Introduction to Law and the Christian Tradition in Italy: The Legacy of the Great Jurists, (January 31, 2020).Md Tasnimul Hassan, Gujarat under Narendra Modi: Sangh Terror, Failure of Governance and Complicity within the Judicial System, (January 21, 2020).Md Tasnimul Hassan, Islamic… [read post]
14 Aug 2023, 4:00 am by Howard Friedman
Elenis, (Religions (Forthcoming)).From SSRN (Religious law):Saiful Alam, Md., Humayra Akhter, Nurullah Patwary, Md., & Sayeda Fatema, Islamic Articulation of the Carpe Diem Motif in Herrick's 'To Daffodils': A Post-Structuralist and Intertextual Inquiry, (Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 3(4), 59–68, (July 2023)).Nathan B. [read post]
28 Sep 2010, 7:03 am by Glenn Reynolds
A VICTORY IN THE WAR AGAINST PHOTOGRAPHY: Charges dismissed against Md. man who taped traffic stop. [read post]
3 Sep 2020, 9:29 am by The Murray Law Firm
Lansdowne Shopping Center Parking Lot Shooting, Lansdowne, MD, Injures Woman and Teen. [read post]
24 Aug 2010, 10:32 am by Robert Oszakiewski
Persons interested in participating in the workshop need to register by September 15, 2010. [read post]
14 Jul 2020, 12:45 pm by Howard Friedman
Perrilloux, (MD LA, July 13, 2020), a Louisiana federal district court refused to issue a preliminary injunction against enforcement of Louisiana's statute that bans cockfighting. [read post]
29 Mar 2023, 9:01 pm by Guest Contributor
— OPINION — Editor’s note: Following is Tuesday’s testimony of Peter Lurie, MD, MPH, President and Executive Director, CSPI, before the U.S. [read post]
29 Dec 2014, 4:00 am by Howard Friedman
Marcus, Higher Education, Antisemitism, and the Law, (December 22, 2014).Moslay Uddin & MD Ayatullah, Muslim Law: Judicial and Legislative Changes Around the World, (December 17, 2014).Peter Hostettler, The Protection of Cultural Property in Armed Conflict and Peace Operations – Achievements and Challenges Ahead, (December 24, 2014).Deborah A. [read post]
24 Oct 2024, 11:02 am by Daily Record Staff
Maryland Apprenticeship Connector announced a new website designed to serve those interested in Maryland's apprenticeship opportunities. [read post]
23 Oct 2015, 9:08 am by Daily Record Staff
COLUMBIA — The Community Foundation of Howard County has established the Real Estate Charitable Foundation of Maryland, an independent supporting organization that focuses on gifts of complex assets, particularly real estate or partnership interests in real estate projects. [read post]
1 Feb 2017, 1:01 pm by Daily Record Staff
On behalf of the more than 50 community and 898,690 members statewide, AARP Maryland called on the Maryland Public Service Commission Wednesday to protect the interests of Marylanders in rural counties and urban areas who rely on copper networks for reliable and affordable landline phone service. [read post]
10 Feb 2012, 6:56 am
A large survey of doctors published in the prestigious journal Health Affairs finds that while physicians generally subscribe to the idea that honesty is the best policy, they don't always practice honesty with patients, especially when it conflicts with their self-interest. [read post]