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20 Nov 2011, 10:42 am by Jonathan H. Adler
For more on the article, see these comments from Matt Bodie, Brian Leiter, Jason Mazzone, and Larry Ribstein. [read post]
8 Feb 2009, 3:17 am
  Jason Mazzone's book Copyfraud and Other Abuses of Intellectual Property is due out from the Stanford University Press in 2009. [read post]
11 Oct 2010, 10:35 am by James Bickford
”  At Balkinization, Jason Mazzone deems the occasional four-four tie to be preferable to the system recently proposed by Senator Patrick Leahy, in which a retired Justice would step in when an active Justice was recused. [read post]
24 Aug 2020, 11:39 am by Sandy Levinson
I confess myself quite mystified by the argument underlying Jason Mazzone's posting earlier today. [read post]
10 Jun 2014, 2:34 pm by Jason Mazzone
By comparing the practices of courts around the world, the conference will trace the movement (or not) of constitutional history from the academy to the courthouse and examine the risks and benefits of modern practices.Scholars interested in presenting a paper at the conference should e-mail a title and brief summary of the proposed paper to Professor Jason Mazzone at mazzonej[@] [read post]
5 Feb 2009, 7:54 pm
A few more:Brooklyn Law's Jason Mazzone asks, "Is the use fair? [read post]
17 Dec 2010, 10:54 am by Kali Borkoski
Also at the New York Times, Jason Mazzone has an opinion piece on the challenges to health-care reform in which he concludes that “Judge Hudson’s analysis could prove irresistible to the Supreme Court and that there is a reasonable chance it will agree that the insurance mandate is invalid. [read post]
22 Apr 2013, 10:12 am by lennyesq
On the blog Balkinization, professors Jason Mazzone and Sandy Levinson engaged in a heated discussion as to the proper interpretation of the Supreme Court’s decision in Miranda. [read post]
20 Jul 2012, 6:49 am by Thaddeus Hoffmeister
Marder    View Article   Batson Remedies by Jason Mazzone    View Article   Policing the Borders of Democracy: The Continuing Role of Batson in Protecting the Citizenship Rights of the Excluded by Melynda J. [read post]
22 Apr 2013, 10:12 am by lennyesq
On the blog Balkinization, professors Jason Mazzone and Sandy Levinson engaged in a heated discussion as to the proper interpretation of the Supreme Court’s decision in Miranda. [read post]
2 Dec 2016, 8:01 am by Alfred Brophy
The illustration -- as Jason Mazzone could tell you -- is of Fort Hill, John C. [read post]
18 Aug 2010, 6:50 am by Adam Chandler
In brief, here are today’s stories on the Supreme Court: At Balkinization, Jason Mazzone summarizes his research on Supreme Court review of state court decisions. [read post]
28 Jan 2012, 6:07 am by Walter Olson
EPA case, SCOTUS will decide which EPA enforcement actions if any should escape judicial review [Ilya Shapiro/Cato, Adler, Root] Keystone XL episode gives reason to revisit NEPA [Conn Carroll] Ninth Circuit ruling on forest road runoff will test Obama position [David Freddoso] Debate at Point of Law on President’s recess appointment power between Jason Mazzone and Andrew M. [read post]
9 Jul 2011, 5:53 pm by Steve Bainbridge
Hence, I agree with Jason Mazzone's comment that: Many new law professors hold a Ph.D. in some field other than law (philosophy, history, and economics are the most common). [read post]
13 Feb 2023, 5:50 pm by mes286
Conference participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses. * * * Organizing Committee: Jason Mazzone Albert E. [read post]
13 Jul 2016, 5:00 am by JB
As noted previously, I'm publishing a few discussion notes from the forthcoming supplement to the Brest Levinson casebook, which I prepare every summer following the end of the Supreme Court Term.This year I decided to write a short note for students taking them through the issues in the controversy over the appointment of Justice Scalia's successor. [read post]
8 Aug 2011, 8:33 am by James Bickford
” Briefly: At Balkinization, Jason Mazzone reports that during the last Term the Court “continued [a] trend” of “reviewing relatively few decisions from the state courts but reversing a very high proportion of them. [read post]
31 Mar 2012, 5:14 pm by Todd Zywicki
 The closest I’ve been able to come up with are Jason Mazzone on the mandate and Jonathan Turley on Cordray, but they both seem somewhat heterodox to me generally (perhaps my perception of both is simply incorrect). [read post]
11 Oct 2010, 12:01 am by John Steele
" At Balkinization, Jason Mazzone isn't too impressed with the New York Times's take on the political activities of Justice Thomas's wife. [read post]