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25 Jun 2010, 4:07 am
Jeff Gamso posts about a class action brought by a Toronto lawyer against Lexis/Nexis for taking briefs and motions filed in court and selling them to other lawyers online. [read post]
7 May 2010, 3:53 am
So anyway, watch the video, which I found courtesy of Jeff Gamso’s always excellent blog, although he admits that he got it from someplace else, too. [read post]
13 Apr 2015, 4:31 am
” Jeff Gamso posted the video of Stroud, confessing his role in the conviction of innocent Glenn Ford. [read post]
30 Jul 2016, 3:58 am
It even has more readers than Fault Lines, which is a terrible shame as they were denied the insight of Jeff Gamso. [read post]
11 Apr 2017, 4:11 am
It would have been an interesting choice for the Times to put the review of The Campus Rape Frenzy in the hands of a feminist, along with the other book reviewed simultaneously, Laura Kipnis’ Unwanted Advances, which was just reviewed by Jeff Gamso. [read post]
27 Jun 2016, 3:43 am
Update: Jeff Gamso says I only talk dicta because I’m a New York elitist. [read post]
9 Jul 2016, 4:44 am
Then, there are the two sanctioned sentences, as Jeff Gamso has explained: the slow death sentence and the slower death sentence. [read post]
1 Feb 2016, 4:12 am
Life without parole, as Jeff Gamso calls it, is the slow death sentence. [read post]
24 May 2016, 3:57 am
Sokolow, as noted by another mean, old lawyer, Jeff Gamso in the context of how excuses work when it comes to a cop explaining why someone fits the profile of a drug courier. [read post]
17 Jul 2010, 2:11 am
Via Jeff Gamso, the decision: Now the Commission has ruled. [read post]
9 Nov 2009, 9:41 pm
Jeff Gamso, being an Ohio criminal defense lawyer who has faced defending against the death penalty, points out that a sentence of LWOP is a sentence of death, albeit one that takes longer to carry out. [read post]
12 Aug 2011, 2:39 am
Not to the 87 months negotiated by the United States Attorney as part of a plea deal, rejected by District Judge Edwin Kosik, but to 28 years in prison.As Jeff Gamso puts it, Maybe it's unseemly for me to be pleased when someone is sentenced to 28 years in prison, which for a guy who's 61 is effectively a life sentence. [read post]
30 Dec 2010, 4:08 am
Jeff Gamso similarly drives home the point, though with his usual thoughtful legal analysis so that his rampant use of epithets will not be wasted. [read post]
11 Jul 2011, 4:38 am
Be sure, as we go dark, to check out the work of Steve Hall, DPIC, Jeff Gamso, Tim Cone at Defense Newsletter, Jon Sands (and crew) at the Ninth Circuit blog, CapDefNet, and Doug Berman. [read post]
18 May 2016, 4:07 am
Jeff Gamso, who has stood beside too many dead men walking, calls bullshit on the innocence fetish, and speaks to the fallibility of judges, courts, the system, to get it right for anyone, guilty or innocent. [read post]
26 May 2012, 2:50 am
As Jeff Gamso notes, the argument is that it's possible the jurors, after unanimously acquitting Blueford of the top counts, could have changed their minds later and decided instead to fry him. [read post]
20 Sep 2010, 6:01 am
.'” Jeff Gamso commented that:She seems to be right about at least one of her procedural claims. [read post]
24 Jan 2011, 2:55 am
Update: Jeff Gamso's post today includes these words, which are particularly apropos here: Too many and they blur. [read post]
23 Dec 2009, 2:22 am
As Jeff Gamso notes, These folks are in the same business. [read post]
3 Nov 2010, 12:51 pm
Or, to put it in a way that Jeff Gamso would appreciate, so that injustice would be averted. [read post]