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6 Jun 2013, 1:15 pm
For more information, contact George Arceneaux, Joe Norman, or Kelly Becker. [read post]
24 May 2014, 5:11 am
… The long history of the divide over other kinds of legal tort reform loomed over the bill, which was dubbed the Innovation Act in the House. [read post]
11 Aug 2012, 1:42 pm
This opinion was one of the most controversial tort opinions issue by a Maryland court in recent years. [read post]
11 Aug 2012, 1:42 pm
This opinion was one of the most controversial tort opinions issue by a Maryland court in recent years. [read post]
21 May 2011, 6:46 pm
The Birmingham News profiled Borg in 2010, "Joe Borg, Alabama Securities Commission boss, has reputation of being tough on crooks. [read post]
11 Aug 2012, 1:42 pm
This opinion was one of the most controverial tort opinions issue by a Maryland court in recent years. [read post]
18 Jul 2008, 7:33 am
(Dustin @ Quizlaw)What the hell was Joe Cocker singing? [read post]
11 Aug 2012, 1:42 pm
This opinion was one of the most controverial tort opinions issue by a Maryland court in recent years. [read post]
29 Apr 2011, 6:43 pm
Attorney Joe Hudock from the same office handled the matter for GEICO. [read post]
15 Feb 2008, 8:18 pm
As Joe Jamail said in his speech in Austin, "You in the structured settlement field are intricately entwined with the lawyers in protecting [the plaintiff's financial security]. [read post]
6 Feb 2009, 3:11 pm
Gitenstein, a partner at the Mayer Brown law firm in Washington, was a longtime senior aide to Vice President Joe Biden. [read post]
8 Jun 2010, 6:05 pm
Plaintiff counsel Joe Tatum then argued for thirty plus minutes and did not get to the cap issue until his time had technically expired. [read post]
13 Oct 2007, 7:39 am
(An additional drama here was the collaborations between two famous/infamous high-fliers: bond buyer Carl Icahn and asbestos plaintiffs lawyer Joe Rice). [read post]
10 Dec 2010, 5:44 am
The story of the week is courtesy of the legal humor blog (and fellow ABA Blawg 100 honoree—don’t forget to vote) Lowering the Bar, which reports on the Utah Supreme Court’s reinstatement of an employee’s tort claims against his employer. [read post]
7 Aug 2020, 8:50 am
Recently, presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden unveiled a broad plan to confront systemic racism and promote racial equity. [read post]
20 Apr 2010, 12:13 pm
The Law Offices of Joe Bornstein – Maine Lawyers Working For Maine People [read post]
15 Dec 2011, 9:07 pm
Beyond that, I think that Joe saw an opportunity to make new law. [read post]
19 Jan 2012, 1:54 pm
Joe Nixon, that's who. [read post]
19 Jan 2012, 1:54 pm
Joe Nixon, that's who. [read post]
24 Nov 2023, 11:09 am
The multi-district litigation bears the following case caption: In re: Social Media Adolescent Addiction/Personal Injury Products Liability Litigation [MDL No. 3047] The tort theory alleged in the case is that the social media platforms are defective to the extent that they are designed to maximize screen time. [read post]