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16 Apr 2010, 6:16 am by Kenneth Anderson
by Kenneth Anderson Former DOS Legal Adviser (and a path-breaking guest blogger here at OJ when in that role a couple of years ago) John Bellinger has a short opinion column out at the CFR site, April 14, 2010 (corrected link, I hope!) [read post]
4 Oct 2010, 9:36 am by Kenneth Anderson
by Kenneth Anderson Congratulations to my old friend (and currently WCL colleague) Juan Mendez on his appointment as UN special rapporteur on torture. [read post]
25 Sep 2009, 4:02 am
by Kenneth Anderson I opened the latest SSRN Public International Law listings this morning and noted with pleasure Peggy’s response to Professor Michael Stokes Paulsen’s recent article on constitutional interpretation and international law. [read post]
21 Jul 2010, 3:29 pm by Kenneth Anderson
by Kenneth Anderson CIA director Leon Panetta has named a new National Clandestine Service chief, reports Peter Finn in the Washington Post today. [read post]
8 Sep 2009, 6:36 pm
by Kenneth Anderson Orin Kerr has an interesting post at Volokh noting a story reporting that NSA intercepts were used in the just announced conviction in the UK of terrorists in the liquid-mixing-chemicals case. [read post]
3 Sep 2009, 4:23 pm
by Kenneth Anderson The Perils of Global Legalism (University of Chicago 2009) is just out, I see, and my copy just arrived via the magic of Amazon one-click. [read post]
30 May 2011, 6:51 pm by Kenneth Anderson
by Kenneth Anderson The Wall Street Journal reporting on un-classifed portions of a report anticipated for release next month. [read post]
22 Mar 2011, 6:29 am by Kenneth Anderson
by Kenneth Anderson In case you weren't aware, Eric Posner is discussing his and Adrian Vermeule's new and highly provocative book, The Executive Unbound, in a series of posts this week at Volokh Conspiracy. [read post]
28 Feb 2012, 11:47 am by Kenneth Anderson
by Kenneth Anderson … from this morning’s hearing:  Kiobel and Mohamad. [read post]
6 Jul 2010, 12:36 pm by Kenneth Anderson
(Kenneth Anderson) As I mentioned analogies the other day, I thought this XKCD comic would be a good accompaniment. [read post]
7 May 2010, 7:19 am by Kenneth Anderson
by Kenneth Anderson Ian Hurd, the distinguished scholar of international organizations (e.g., After Anarchy) at Northwestern University, has posted to SSRN a short response to an article much-discussed here at OJ, Michael Glennon, “The Blank Prose Crime of Aggression. [read post]
9 Feb 2007, 11:11 am
On Kenneth Anderson's Law of War and Just War Theory Blog there is an interesting post on Bargain theory versus universalism in the law of war. [read post]
19 Jul 2011, 9:18 am by Kenneth Anderson
by Kenneth Anderson Though I am generally upbeat about the use of drones in military applications, one must recognize design flaws: The Navy's latest multi-million pound drone has the unfortunate feature of starting to self-destruct if the pilot accidentally presses the space bar on his keyboard …. [read post]
31 Jan 2011, 6:35 pm by Kenneth Anderson
(Kenneth Anderson) It turns out (fixing dinner tonight in my otherwise furnished and lovely temporary apartment here at the Very Great UVA Law School, where I am visiting for the semester, and where my colleagues this term have greeted me with warmth and cordiality) that I should not have ... assumed the can opener. [read post]
14 May 2013, 2:35 am by Paul Caron
, by Kenneth Anderson (American): I’d say the professor who hands out a C grade (at least in a school that doesn’t mandate a set number of C grades... [read post]
13 Dec 2011, 7:42 am by Kenneth Anderson
(Kenneth Anderson) This link from the BBC has been making the rounds via Twitter and FB, but I thought I’d link it for readers. [read post]
21 Sep 2009, 12:20 pm
Cornell accounting professor Robert Bloomfield (via Kenneth Anderson at Volokh) is soliciting reader input on how accounting standards should recognize litigation contingencies, a topic of much controversy earlier this year following initiatives from the FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board), which... [read post]
28 Feb 2012, 6:39 am by CivPro Blogger
Royal Dutch Petroleum, which is being argued today: Kenneth Anderson (Volokh Conspiracy) Lyle Denniston (SCOTUSblog) Jonathan Hafetz (ABA Preview) Julian Ku (Point of Law) Juan Mendez (Opinio Juris) David Savage (Los Angeles Times) Nina... [read post]