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3 Aug 2010, 3:17 pm
” Judge Wardlaw and Kat Griffin have company in the “proceed with caution” camp. [read post]
30 Jun 2014, 4:14 pm
Connecticut, as Leslie Griffin argues here. [read post]
18 Oct 2014, 6:54 am
., LPA, Cincinnati How to Simplify Valuation in the Courtroom - Leslie A. [read post]
9 Oct 2011, 5:18 am
. ____________________________________________ Leslie Griffin holds the Larry & Joanne Doherty Chair in Legal Ethics at the University of Houston Law Center and is author of Law and Religion: Cases and Materials (Foundation Press 2d ed. 2010). [read post]
21 Feb 2008, 10:21 am
Leslie Wolf, JD 1998 Harvard University, MPH Johns Hopkins University Public Health Golden Gate University Heather Murr, JD 1994 University of California, Hastings, Visiting Assistant Professor University of San Diego John Marshall Law SchoolKim Chanbonpin, JD 2003 University of Hawaii, LLM 2006 Law Georgetown University, Teaching Fellow Loyola University New Orleans Shahram Dana, JD 1997 Boston University, PhD 2008 Law Maastricht University, LLM 2002 Law Leiden University, Assistant… [read post]
28 Feb 2019, 4:17 am
Commentary comes from Elizabeth Slattery at The Daily Signal, Ruthann Robson at the Constitutional Law Prof Blog, and Leslie Griffin at Justia’s Verdict blog. [read post]
26 Oct 2011, 4:30 am
Griffin, Current Development 2009-2010: Reinventing Adequacy: The need for standardized Regulation, 23 Geo. [read post]
19 Apr 2016, 3:27 am
” At Hamilton and Griffin on Rights, Leslie Shoebotham looks ahead to tomorrow’s oral arguments in a challenge by three drivers to state laws that impose criminal penalties for refusal to take a chemical test to measure blood alcohol concentrations. [read post]
14 May 2020, 4:04 am
At Justia’s Verdict blog, Leslie Griffin weighs in on Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. [read post]
9 Jul 2020, 3:53 am
” At Justia’s Verdict blog, Leslie Griffin argues that yesterday’s two rulings, as well as the recent decision in Espinoza v. [read post]
27 May 2015, 9:00 pm
Professor Hamilton blogs at Hamilton and Griffin on Rights. [read post]
26 Oct 2011, 4:30 am
Griffin, Current Development 2009-2010: Reinventing Adequacy: The need for standardized Regulation, 23 Geo. [read post]
21 Jul 2022, 5:55 am
Governor) Tim Griffin of Arkansas and Congressman Anthony Brown of Maryland. [read post]
6 Jun 2018, 4:29 am
” Additional commentary comes from Mark Pulliam at American Greatness, Louise Melling at Slate, Leslie Griffin at ACS Blog, the First Amendment Blog, Kate Shaw in an op-ed for The New York Times, Silas House, also in a New York Times op-ed, Julia Raifman and Michael Ulrich at WBUR’s Cognoscenti blog, Cullen Seltzer at Sands Anderson, Steve Schiffrin at Religious Left Law, Mark Tushnet at Balkinization, Christine Emba in an op-ed for The Washington Post, Elizabeth Reiner… [read post]
6 Dec 2018, 9:10 pm
Phil Griffin dug up and offered testimony on the shortcomings of the legislative process he had delivered before – in 2008. [read post]
4 Apr 2008, 10:48 am
Film version of the 1959 book by John Howard Griffin, a white man, about his travels as a black in the racially segregated America of the 1950s. [read post]
2 Feb 2020, 9:01 pm
In an earlier column here on Verdict, Professor Leslie Griffin admirably summarized the key substantive issues and where the justices appear to stand on them. [read post]
22 Dec 2022, 5:00 am
By Leslie C. [read post]
1 Oct 2007, 12:43 pm
A list of Georgia counties appears below: SOURCE: Georgia Family Law BlogGeorgia Counties List of Georgia counties A Appling County Includes the cities Baxley, Graham and Surrency Athens-Clarke County Includes the cities of Athens and Winterville. [read post]
29 Feb 2008, 6:32 am
Leslie Wolf, JD 1998 Harvard University, MPH Johns Hopkins University Public Health Golden Gate University Heather Murr, JD 1994 University of California, Hastings, Visiting Assistant Professor University of San Diego Hofstra UniversityAshira Ostrow, JD 2003 Columbia, Visiting Assistant Professor HofstraIndiana University-IndianapolisMax Huffman, JD 1998 University of Cincinnati, Visiting Assistant Professor University of CincinnatiJohn Marshall Law SchoolKim Chanbonpin, JD 2003… [read post]