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10 Dec 2008, 4:48 pm
RiskMetrics Group is tracking 215 governance proposal filings by shareholders as of Dec. 4. [read post]
2 Oct 2009, 7:14 am by RiskMetrics Group Blog Team
So far this year, 93 directors at 50 U.S. companies have received majority dissent, almost three times the 32 board members at 17 firms who failed to earn majority support in all of 2008, according to RiskMetrics Group data as of Sept. 23, which includes vote results on 12,052 directors at Russell 3,000 and S&P 500 firms. [read post]
28 May 2010, 11:29 am by Alan Petrillo
And the firm’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices have been studied in detail by labor rights groups and other researchers, including the RiskMetrics ESG Analytics team. [read post]
6 Jan 2010, 12:39 pm by Ted Allen
While RiskMetrics Group and other research firms count class-action cases differently, they all agree that 2009 filings declined from 2008 levels, primarily because there were fewer credit-crisis claims. [read post]
22 Oct 2009, 6:02 am
(Editor's Note: This post is based on a Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP memorandum by Amy Goodman and Gillian McPhee.) [read post]
16 Apr 2009, 10:20 am
In addition, the AFL-CIO has filed 17 proposals this year that seek advisory votes on compensation, investor votes on death benefits, more disclosure on compensation consultants, hold-through retirement rules for equity grants, and other pay reforms, according to RiskMetrics Group data. [read post]
22 Aug 2008, 8:16 pm
"Had the decision gone the other way, it would have introduced a lot of uncertainty to capital markets, particularly at a time when we don't need more uncertainty," Duke University securities law professor James Cox told RiskMetrics Group. [read post]
6 Nov 2007, 11:22 am
And the envelope please Earlier today we released our first-ever Securities Class Action Services (SCAS) 50 Power Rankings Report, which highlights the top 50 plaintiffs law firms by dollar value of securities class action settlements and number of securities class action settlements from 2003 to 2006 in which the law firms served as lead or co-lead counsel. [read post]
17 Dec 2008, 4:08 pm
An update to our May 2007 paper Accountability Goes Global, this paper explores recent trends in non-US investor interest in US Securities Class Actions. [read post]
28 Nov 2007, 9:15 am
The SEC's decision to reverse its course on proxy access leaves investors' efforts to enhance boardroom accountability in limbo. [read post]
27 Oct 2009, 12:53 pm by RiskMetrics Group Blog Team
” “As evidence continues to mount that issues such as climate change and water scarcity have financial materiality for business, it is critical that investors are able to use shareholder proposals to directly address these risks,” Dalheim told RiskMetrics Group. [read post]
14 Jul 2009, 12:43 pm
The RiskMetrics Group reports that the bill would also restrict language that requires investors to use binding mandatory arbitration to resolve disputes. [read post]
15 Feb 2009, 1:16 pm
OFF-THE-SHELF STRATEGY PROBLEMATIC FOR SMALL CAPITALIZATION COMPANIES In recent years, most companies have not been adopting (or renewing) rights plans because of (i) diminished legal concern with respect to adopting plans in the “heat of the battle” and (ii) the RiskMetrics Group (”RMG”) policy, adopted in 2005, that generally recommends “withhold” or “against” votes with respect to directors who… [read post]
24 Apr 2009, 8:25 am
So far, those proposals have averaged 6 percent support at three companies, according to RiskMetrics Group data. [read post]
4 Mar 2010, 10:29 am by Ted Allen
-based companies have held voluntary “say on pay” votes or have agreed to do so, according to data collected by RiskMetrics Group’s ISS Governance Services unit. [read post]
26 Jan 2010, 6:41 am by Ted Allen
In addition to a proposal at Whole Foods, labor pension funds and other investors have filed 36 resolutions for the 2010 proxy season that urge companies to appoint independent board chairs, according to RiskMetrics Group data. [read post]
12 Dec 2008, 4:01 pm
Just last month, the Greek government set aside EUR 28 billion ($33.6 billion) to support the banking system, making it an equity stakeholder of the country's largest banks (see our RiskMetrics Group report, "Greek Government responds to Credit Crisis"). [read post]
30 Apr 2009, 10:20 am
So far, independent chair proposals have averaged 39.2 percent support at 11 U.S. companies where preliminary results are available, up from 29.3 percent in 2008, according to RiskMetrics Group data. [read post]
5 May 2008, 10:56 am
"Say on pay" proposals have averaged 42 percent support at 21 companies so far, earning 50.7 percent support at computer maker Apple, and majority support at printer manufacturer Lexmark International, according to RiskMetrics Group data. [read post]
22 Feb 2010, 7:42 am by Ted Allen
-based companies have pledged to hold a voluntary vote on shareholder compensation, or have already done so, according to RiskMetrics Group data. [read post]