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8 Apr 2014, 7:47 am by Robert Kraft
The Social Security Administration carefully scrutinizes these claims, so it is hard to prove that you are entitled to backpay without professional representation. [read post]
28 Oct 2010, 12:50 pm by Scott Lewis
  The Social Security Administration has set up this QDD process to help alleviate the overwhelming amount of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) applications that they are receiving. [read post]
1 Sep 2018, 6:23 pm by Ted Smith
” The Social Security Administration does recognize “suicidal tendencies ” as a basis for expedited handling and ruling of an application for disability and for an appeal for disability. [read post]
30 Mar 2011, 5:28 am
Medical Records sometimes only tell part of the story in Social Security Disability claims. [read post]
3 Nov 2008, 10:47 am
By the middle of next year, the Social Security Administration should have their "electronic records express" (ERE) up and running. [read post]
10 Aug 2021, 11:26 am by OLF
To learn what amount the Social Security Administration considers “substantial gainful activity” (SGA), see our article on the SGA earnings limits for disability. [read post]
26 Dec 2016, 10:52 am by Needle Law Firm
  Online, the Social Security Administration has information regarding how to apply for benefits, including the information needed to complete an application. [read post]
15 Sep 2017, 10:58 am by Elizabeth Seemann
The Social Security Administration does not make applying for benefits a simple process. [read post]
15 Sep 2017, 10:58 am by Elizabeth Seemann
The Social Security Administration does not make applying for benefits a simple process. [read post]
22 May 2012, 10:42 am
" The SSA denied Plaintiff Tina Perritt's claim for Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income benefits. [read post]
29 Mar 2023, 2:00 am by Arthur Law Firm
There is no cost for filing an administrative appeal with Social Security. [read post]
28 Aug 2024, 5:38 am by Bob Kraft
The Social Security Administration (SSA) recognizes the severity of these conditions and offers disability benefits to those who meet the eligibility criteria. [read post]
10 Aug 2010, 9:53 am by Scott Lewis
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is in the Child Listings Section (Part B) of the Listing of Impairments for the Social Security Administration. [read post]
12 Apr 2010, 3:46 am by Bob Kraft
Any Social Security Disability claim file contains a number of opinions that are express or implied in the medical records. [read post]
15 Dec 2011, 3:27 am by Bob Kraft
Applying for Social Security Disability benefits is very complex, and the Social Security Administration relies upon your lack of knowledge on how the system works to turn you down. [read post]
1 Oct 2011, 9:01 am
So, when most people seek Social Security disability benefits, claiming that they can no longer work due to a physical or mental impairment, they support the claim with information and records from their various doctors. [read post]
3 Dec 2010, 3:12 pm by Scott Lewis
  Without medical records the Social Security Administration (SSA) has nothing to base a decision on that will result in you being granted disability benefits.Indiana Social Security claimants often ask if the consultative examination the Social Security Administration (SSA) administered will suffice since they don't have their own personal physician(s). [read post]
18 Nov 2010, 8:17 am by Medicare Set Aside Services
Medicare set-aside companies act as advocates for attorneys, carriers, and claimants in coordinating workers’ compensation and Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits. [read post]