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20 Oct 2018, 3:47 am by SHG
It doesn’t matter if they’re male or female. [read post]
22 Apr 2011, 8:02 am by Kenneth Anderson
(Kenneth Anderson) Hofstra’s Richard Neumann has made an estimate of the cost of producing a law review article by a professor at a top law school, and says it’s in the $100,000 ballpark. [read post]
17 Jun 2015, 2:23 pm by WOLFGANG DEMINO
“Security National Automotive Acceptance Company took advantage of military rules to put enormous pressures on servicemembers to pay their debts,” said CFPB Director Richard Cordray. [read post]
22 Jan 2012, 8:59 pm by Sergio Muñoz Sarmiento
“It’s not as if we’re selling our opinions in competition with a photographer,” he said. [read post]
21 Feb 2011, 4:13 pm by Steve Bainbridge
When we hire people with mediocre law credentials just because they're good at running regressions or have a PhD? [read post]
15 Jul 2008, 9:23 pm
Bronson: sort your head outTry wearing my shoes said Charles Bronson.Other prisoners responded by stating he is too big for his boots...Bronson: sort your head outFrom: Richard Caswell - HMP FranklandI've just read the contribution from Charles Bronson in your June issue going on about 'prisoners moaning over petty things'. [read post]
26 Apr 2009, 10:47 pm
We are Richard Vining (Assistant professor, University of Georgia) and Amy Steigerwalt (Assistant professor, Georgia State University), and we have been asked to contribute here this week. [read post]
13 Jan 2009, 5:23 am
At a meeting this morning of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals' Criminal Justice Integrity Unit, University of San Francisco academic Richard Leo expounded on his research into police interrogations and the causes of false confessions. [read post]
3 Jun 2013, 10:11 am by CBA Futures
In terms of the legal industry, expert Richard Susskind suggests that kind of causal relationship might be stated as “change the incentives, change the behaviour” – incentives are the key to creating a profession that can flourish into the next decade and beyond. [read post]