Search for: "Estate of Thomas" Results 1861 - 1880 of 2,493
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18 Mar 2021, 1:01 am by rhapsodyinbooks
After leaving the White House on March 4, 1897, Cleveland lived in retirement at his estate, Westland Mansion, in Princeton, New Jersey. [read post]
27 Aug 2018, 10:21 am by Myers Freelance
Levy Law (@sblevylaw) August 27, 2018 Sure, this post takes up real estate in a potential client’s Twitter feed, but what are they supposed to do with it? [read post]
Thomas Klocke’s father, as administrator of his son’s estate, filed suit against the University for possible Title IX violations and against Watson alleging common law defamation and defamation per se. [read post]
12 Dec 2011, 12:25 am by Michael Sweig, JD
"Everything he's ever done for the YMCA has been good for the community and kids," Thomas said. [read post]
11 Jan 2011, 7:22 am by lopeznoriega
Durante las audiencias en el Senado para la confirmación del Justice Clarence Thomas, Anita Hill aseguró que Thomas, al regresar a su oficina, observó fijamente el refresco que había dejado a medio tomar y espetó a todo pulmón: “Who has put pubic hair on my Coke? [read post]
5 Dec 2023, 1:04 pm by Amy Howe
” Justice Clarence Thomas asked whether Congress could tax an increase in the value of real estate, while Justice Neil Gorsuch asked about the possibility of a tax on retirement investment accounts, which millions of Americans hold. [read post]
7 Feb 2020, 7:53 am by Shannon O'Hare
ARGENTINA On 28 October 2019, Alberto Fernandez was elected as president and formally took office on 10 December 2019, replacing Mauricio Macri. [read post]
4 Jun 2019, 10:16 am by Rebecca Tushnet
Often described in terms of marketplace of ideas, as Thomas does in NIFLA. [read post]
1 Feb 2016, 5:47 pm by Law Lady
TOMMY CONSTANTINE RACING, LLC, a foreign limited liability company, and TOMMY CONSTANTINE, a/k/a THOMAS CONSTANTINE, individually, Appellees. 4th District. [read post]