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23 Nov 2014, 4:06 pm by INFORRM
In the case of Singer v Yormulmaz (2014 QCCS 5536) an action for defamation was dismissed after the plaintiff made an application to enter default judgment. [read post]
12 May 2010, 1:45 pm
Issues Proposed Ethical Opinions Approving Use of SaaS / List of Considerations to Minimize Risk - Risk Management and E-Discovery: Qualcomm Revisited - Seven Things Your Organization Must Do Because of Social Media - Sharp Increases in Recent FCPA Enforcement - Show Us the Love to Avoid Discovery Fights, Attorneys Urge - The Quest for eDiscovery: Creating a… [read post]
9 Jun 2013, 7:01 am by The Book Review Editor
  Given its relative lack of military might compared to its European adversaries, the young republic pioneered an Enlightenment vision for warfare in its own self-interest – one that set put sharp restraints on the conduct of warring nations. [read post]
4 Jan 2016, 8:30 pm by Stephen Bilkis
Sharpe, 96 A.D.2d 727, 465 N.Y.S.2d 352 (Fourth Dept.1983), app. den. 60 N.Y.2d 556, 468 N.Y.S.2d 1025, 455 N.E.2d 1265 (1983). [read post]
26 Mar 2019, 4:00 am by Michael Woods and Gordon LaFortune
Perhaps as with Canada’s focus on Chapter 19, the Trump Administration’s sharp focus on the U.S. auto sector failed to take into account both matters of more current and future importance to the U.S. economy and the fact that today’s multinational enterprises are not bound by national policies or the politics of any one country. [read post]
18 Aug 2009, 2:30 pm
Background The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) set lead content limits applicable to "children's products," i.e. , those consumer products designed and intended primarily for children 12 years of age and younger. [read post]
5 Jan 2022, 10:37 am by Craig Carpenter and Erika Vela
On the customer side, this requires some collaboration between the legal team (internal and external) and applicable business unit to understand what data is going to be shared and why. [read post]
10 Jan 2024, 1:38 pm by Jennifer Danish
This is in sharp contrast to “any occupation” plans, which only pay out if the claimant is totally disabled from any job to which they’re reasonably suited. [read post]
26 Nov 2023, 6:40 pm by Steve Bainbridge
Caremark is already applicable in areas where ESG-related compliance is legally required, such as human resources, environmental protection, and worker safety. [read post]
23 Jul 2009, 2:32 am
Some of the competencies that companies should consider when searching for a general counsel include: Combining strong technical skills, sharp intellect, and experience to resolve difficult, complex legal and business problems. [read post]
17 May 2023, 11:25 am by Adrian Santiago
An experienced personal injury attorney can guide you on the applicable damage caps and help you navigate the legal process. [read post]
17 Aug 2009, 4:00 am
  The court's sharp words were provoked by the respondent's assertion that the petitioners were not -- and had never been -- shareholders, despite a seeming avalanche of corporate and tax records to the contrary. [read post]
27 Mar 2020, 12:02 am by Jeff Nowak
Moreover, the employer and employee can agree to any particular increment for intermittent leave, which is a sharp contrast to the classic FMLA rule. [read post]
25 Jan 2011, 7:54 am by Duncan Hollis
Alternatively, if one defines a use of force as Gary Sharp has based on its target, Stuxnet is much more likely to constitute a use of force; the target here was clearly infrastructure that Iran viewed as critical to its national security. [read post]
31 Mar 2010, 5:30 am by Jeff Gamso
United States, involves application of the federal Sentencing Guidelines to a person being resentenced. [read post]
28 Oct 2011, 2:26 am by Marie Louise
(1709 Copyright Blog)   United States US General Controversial US bill targeting “rogue websites” introduced into House – HR 3261, Stop Online Piracy Act (IP Watch) (Excess Copyright) (Public Knowledge) (Public Knowledge) (EFF)   US Patents New survey reports a sharp drop in NPE litigation success rates in the US during 2010 (IAM) Kodak board faces legal action threat if patent sale does not generate a “fair market value” (IAM)   US Patents… [read post]
26 Jan 2012, 3:36 am by Dave
I assume that Jonathan Small, James Stark and Daniel Robinson (counsel for the sellers) are sharpening their keyboards for the SC application – the report I’ve seen doesn’t say whether the CA gave permission to appeal, but I’d assume that it should follow given the importance of the matter both in law and quantitatively (given that FSA regulation of this area was a latecomer).In essence, the underlying question is whether the House of Lords was correct in Abbey… [read post]
16 Jun 2024, 6:00 am by Lawrence Solum
 Dworkin draws a sharp distinction between considerations of policy (consequentialist concerns) and those of principle (fairness concerns). [read post]