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17 Feb 2011, 9:08 pm
”[6] MPEP § 707.07(f) incorrectly states that an examiner “should” answer all material traversed; it’s a statutory “must. [read post]
3 May 2018, 3:44 am by John Buhl
Prior to the passage of the TCJA, the United States was one of six nations that had a worldwide corporate tax system. [read post]
27 May 2015, 11:59 am by Rebecca Tushnet
Copyright Office: Jacqueline CharlesworthMichelle ChoeRegan SmithCy DonnellySteve RuheJohn RileyStacy Cheney (NTIA) Proposed Class 2: Audiovisual works – educational uses – primary and secondary schools (K-12)This proposed class would allow kindergarten through twelfth-grade educators and students to circumvent access controls on lawfully made and acquired motion pictures and other audiovisual works for educational purposes. [read post]
29 Feb 2012, 5:54 am by Rob Robinson (Ron Friedmann) Cost of Converting (Electronically Stored Information) Jardin v. [read post]
3 May 2010, 9:30 pm by admin
Click Here Cory King settles with state on feedlot charges. [read post]
24 May 2011, 10:58 am by Michael O'Hear
  As originally introduced, the FSA would have equalized the treatment of crack and powder[7]—which is precisely what is done in the great majority of states.[8] Although powder cocaine sentencing provides the most natural benchmark to assess the proportionality of crack sentencing, it is not the only benchmark that should be borne in mind. [read post]
9 Sep 2009, 11:18 pm
  Ian Boyko, Canadian Federation of Students Expand fair dealing in line with the case of CHH v. [read post]
31 Jan 2017, 6:15 pm by Amy Howe
Pryor reportedly had the support of Senator Jeff Sessions, Trump’s nominee to serve as the U.S. attorney general, but a possible Pryor nomination could have drawn the ire of both the left and the right: Although Pryor has referred to the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision in Roe v. [read post]
10 Jul 2024, 8:50 am by Natalia Arno
The documents included: A denunciation to the Prosecutor General’s Office from Nikolai Ryzhkov, a career security officer and State Duma deputy who has been under U.S. sanctions since Russia’s 2014 invasion of Ukraine. [read post]
31 Oct 2009, 4:06 pm by admin
Paul, United States Magistrate Judge Jeanne Graham fined the company $100,000 and ordered it to make a $50,000 community service payment to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to benefit the Rice Creek Watershed. [read post]
15 Aug 2012, 7:49 am by Rob Robinson
Samsung:  Special Backgrounder Compilation of Selected Stories Apple Turns to Federal Circuit to Keep Data in Patent Trial Private - (Scott Graham) Apple’s Proxy War Against Google Officially out of Hand with Apple v. [read post]
15 Aug 2012, 7:49 am by Rob Robinson
Samsung:  Special Backgrounder Compilation of Selected Stories Apple Turns to Federal Circuit to Keep Data in Patent Trial Private - (Scott Graham) Apple’s Proxy War Against Google Officially out of Hand with Apple v. [read post]
15 Aug 2012, 7:49 am by Rob Robinson
Samsung:  Special Backgrounder Compilation of Selected Stories Apple Turns to Federal Circuit to Keep Data in Patent Trial Private - (Scott Graham) Apple’s Proxy War Against Google Officially out of Hand with Apple v. [read post]
15 Aug 2012, 7:49 am by Rob Robinson
Samsung:  Special Backgrounder Compilation of Selected Stories Apple Turns to Federal Circuit to Keep Data in Patent Trial Private - (Scott Graham) Apple’s Proxy War Against Google Officially out of Hand with Apple v. [read post]
21 Jan 2025, 5:49 am by centerforartlaw
Under the new NAGPRA regulations, one of the key innovations is the addition of specific deadlines that institutions must adhere to.[34] While museums are publicly supportive of the goals to streamline the repatriation process, some museums have argued that these timelines are unmanageable.[35] Museums have long blamed their delays in the NAGPRA repatriation process on a lack of resources.[36] Even the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) has stated that the timelines seemed… [read post]
7 May 2015, 11:31 am by Schachtman
Olah, “My Search for Carbocations and Their Role in Chemistry,” Nobel Lecture (Dec. 8, 1994), quoting George von Békésy, Experiments in Hearing 8 (N.Y. 1960); see also McMillan v. [read post]