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16 Aug 2011, 5:08 am by David Lynn
" In fact, the free writing prospectus is now pretty much the only place where a credit rating can be disclosed in a securities offering, because Dodd-Frank's repeal of Rule 436(g), as a practical matter, prevents the disclosure of credit ratings in a prospectus (or report incorporated by reference into a prospectus) for the purpose of offering the security. [read post]
16 Apr 2010, 9:09 pm by Mike "No Man" Navarre
  A denial of knowledge does not exonerate the accused of the offenses he is charged with in this matter. [read post]
12 Sep 2016, 11:13 am by Patrick J. Murphy, Esq.
L. c. 90, § 24(2)(a1/2)(1), it doesn’t matter whether a victim was injured in a medically significant way. [read post]
16 May 2019, 12:25 pm by David Mills
This rule provides that “…any person who appears to have a financial interest in an estate may move” to obtain the following Orders: a) an Order to Accept or Refuse Appointment with a Will (Form 74.36); b) an Order to Accept or Refuse Appointment without a Will (Form 74.37); c) an Order to Consent or Object to Proposed Appointment (Form 74.38); d) an Order to File Statement of Assets of the Estate (Form 74.39); e) an Order for Further Particulars; f) an Order to… [read post]
22 Oct 2015, 12:46 pm by Dennis Crouch
Docs: Kroger’s Motion to Stay, Nexuscard Opposition The CBM petition challenges the patent claims under 35 U.S.C. 101 — arguing that they lack subject matter eligibility under Alice Corp and that the patent qualifies for CBM review because it claim a method for using a financial product and is not a technological invention. [read post]
1 Feb 2012, 7:09 am by emagraken
Whether the demand and response provide sufficient particularity is a matter of the court’s discretion; f. [read post]
3 Jul 2015, 1:56 pm by Robert B. Lamm
“[C]ompanies…should consider other possible steps they could take in response to a proposal rather than just saying no. [read post]
26 Jul 2017, 1:28 pm by Shea Denning
G.S. 20-401(c) makes it unlawful for the parent or legal guardian of a child under 12 to knowingly permit the child to occupy a fully autonomous vehicle that is in motion or that has the engine running unless the child is being supervised by a person who is at least 18 years old. [read post]
3 Jul 2012, 12:33 pm by Xandra Kramer
Hof van Justitie EU 17 november 2011, zaak C-327/10 (Lindner) (Case note), p. 202-206. [read post]
12 Sep 2016, 11:13 am by Patrick J. Murphy, Esq.
L. c. 90, § 24(2)(a1/2)(1), it doesn’t matter whether a victim was injured in a medically significant way. [read post]
20 Mar 2020, 11:20 am by Dan Cooper and Kristof Van Quathem
The GDPR and national data protection laws can, and often do, complicate the matter of sharing personal data, and health data in particular. [read post]
23 Dec 2015, 12:23 pm by Daniel Cappetta
  Further, to establish that the man was in possession of a hoax explosive device under G. [read post]
29 Feb 2020, 10:14 am by Georgialee Lang
Drabinsky in a matter before the Ontario Securities Commission. [read post]
3 Jan 2008, 4:25 am
With respect to the adequacy of plaintiff’s lawyer to serve as class counsel, the district court explained that while prior Second Circuit authority directed district courts to consider whether proposed class counsel was “qualified, experienced and generally able” to handle the class action, Kalish, at *1, under the 2003 Amendments to Rule 23, and specifically Rule 23(g), “the court must consider: (a) the work counsel has done in identifying or… [read post]
5 Oct 2011, 8:05 pm by CHRISTINA NOH
Courtney Plavic (Section C) and Rebecca Blatt (Section E) were unavailable for comment. [read post]