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24 Jun 2011, 3:59 am
Disability as a defense in disciplinary actionsMatter of Schlitz v Cavanagh, 2007 NY Slip Op 50026(U), Supreme Court, Suffolk County The significant issue in the Schlitz case concerned the interplay of two different provisions of the Civil Service Law: 1. [read post]
11 Oct 2017, 6:00 am by Beth Graham
The Court’s consideration of the Ernst & Young appeal continues the Court’s recent attention to arbitration clauses and class action waivers. [read post]
26 May 2023, 7:52 am by Kalvis Golde
Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit upheld Elbaz’s conviction. [read post]
10 Oct 2024, 6:56 am by Lauren Guichard Hoskin
On appeal, the Fifth Circuit recognized that prior panels have stated “in broad terms” that the LOAIA requires an agreement to pertain to a well. [read post]
29 Jan 2019, 6:02 am by Theodore Harvatin
The defendant was subsequently convicted of a DUI, after which he appealed, arguing the blood draw was an unreasonable search that violated his constitutional rights. [read post]
26 Apr 2012, 8:04 am by Margaret Wood
Bound volumes of the Records and Briefs are housed in the Law Library’s closed stacks. [read post]
17 Mar 2022, 6:45 am by Second Circuit Civil Rights Blog
This case provides a vehicle for the Court of Appeals to clarify when prosecutors are immune from any lawsuits arising from their official duties. [read post]
18 Feb 2021, 10:26 am by Jo Dale Carothers
”  Iris appealed to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. [read post]
29 Jul 2024, 9:07 pm by Alan B. Morrison
But Corner Post’s lawyers had an argument that the Supreme Court’s majority accepted. [read post]
26 Mar 2024, 2:22 pm by lennyesq
The judgment will be considered on the merits when Trump files his appeal. [read post]