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23 Aug 2007, 1:56 pm
When I am asked to give examples of California employment law that makes people in other states smack their foreheads, wage and hour law always provides the best ones. [read post]
12 Jul 2013, 9:55 am by Sheppard Mullin
By Kevin Smith and Brian Murphy  On July 9, 2013, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit issued its opinion in Torres et al. v. [read post]
17 Oct 2011, 9:55 am by EPSTEIN BECKER & GREEN, P.C.
Earlier this month, the United States Supreme Court quietly vacated a $7.7 million award in a wage-hour class action in Chinese Daily News v. [read post]
29 Feb 2016, 9:11 am by Evan Mix
”  In light of this significant change, it is highly encouraged that employers – especially those in the Ninth Circuit – seek legal counsel and review their tip pooling arrangements carefully to ensure compliance with the current state of the law. [1] Montano v. [read post]
16 Oct 2013, 2:32 pm by Adam Kielich
I’ll discuss how the fluctuating work week calculation is performed below but the reason why it is misunderstood is because it is very different from the typical hourly or salaried pay structures required under the FLSA and the state-level wage law known as the Texas Payday Law. [read post]