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24 Dec 2008, 1:43 pm
Chapter Bill No. 1 S6422 NOZZOLIO -- Relates to the confinement conditions and treatment of convicted persons with serious mental illness; repealer BLURB : Cor. confinement of mentally ill Chapter Signed Date Effective Date 1 01/28/2008 provided that: (a) § §1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and subds 2 and 3 of §401-a of the correction law as added by §6 shall take effect two years after the date that the commissioner of correctional services… [read post]
28 Jan 2007, 11:42 pm
Criminal Sanction Impact.01/23/07 referred to codesLAW / CORRECTNSA3198
Pretlow (MS) -- Requires parolees who violate the terms of their release to be placed in the custody of the department of correctional services; repealerSUMM : Amd S259-i, rpld sub 3 P(a) subP (ii), Exec L Provides upon finding of reasonable cause that a parolee has violated the conditions of his or her release, such parolee shall immediately be placed in the custody of the department of correctional service for the purpose… [read post]