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7 Mar 2016, 4:00 am by Malcolm Mercer
Ontario (Human Rights Commission), [2004] 1 SCR 809 Goodis v. [read post]
31 Dec 2008, 9:00 pm by Andrew Sather
House of Representatives, 1799-1800President Adams appoints him to U.S. [read post]
2 Jan 2018, 3:06 am by Andrew Lavoott Bluestone
Where there is a series of continuing wrongs, the continuing wrong doctrine tolls the limitation period until the date of the commission of the last wrongful act (Harvey v Metropolitan Life Ins. [read post]
23 Jul 2022, 1:18 am by Frank Cranmer
The Law Commission is adamant that there would be no muddying of the water between humanist and independent celebrants: ‘any officiant should only be permitted to be authorised as one category of officiant at any one time, and that a nominated officiant should only be permitted to be nominated by one organisation at any one time’ (para 1.10). [read post]
13 Oct 2016, 4:09 am by Edith Roberts
Constitution Daily reports on Hernandez v. [read post]
3 Sep 2019, 4:29 pm by INFORRM
INFORRM had a Practice Note on these key procedural changes. [read post]
2 Dec 2024, 1:37 am by INFORRM
  This 944 page edition is edited by New Zealand privacy academic, Nicole Moreham and by Adam Speker KC. [read post]
3 Oct 2013, 9:43 am by Florian Mueller
Motorola would most likely be a paying licensee by now, too, if not for Google's adamant position that Android is "free" -- which no one in the industry believes anymore. [read post]
24 Sep 2020, 4:58 pm by INFORRM
Reuters provides analysis and commentary from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. [read post]
10 Jun 2013, 8:31 am by Soroush Seifi
In his critical investigation into the administration of law in Canada Adam Dodeck differentiates public lawyers from those practicing in private sectors. [read post]
6 Jun 2011, 12:39 am by Graeme Hall
June 3, 2011 David Hart QC Blogging (and maybe tweeting) should be part of Continuing Professional Development June 3, 2011 Adam Wagner Panorama at Winterbourne Park: the human rights angle – Lucy Series June 3, 2011 1 Crown Office Row The Adoption Dilemma: the rights of parents v child’s interests June 2, 2011 Rosalind English And about time for rights to nature? [read post]