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11 Sep 2007, 3:54 pm
Even if a drug has been pulled off the shelf, you could still be entitled to compensation via pharmaceutical litigation if you are an injury victim. [read post]
17 Aug 2007, 5:57 am
Litig., MDL No. 1626, slip op. [read post]
16 Jun 2007, 11:47 am
Litig., MDL 1626 (M.D. [read post]
7 Jun 2007, 10:52 am
., 289 F.3d 1193, 1211 (10th Cir. 2002) (ADEs "contain only limited information" and are "unreliable evidence of causation"); In re: Accutane Products Liability Litigation, 2007 WL 1288354, at *3 (M.D. [read post]
7 Jun 2007, 1:17 am
Jury Assesses $2.62M Against Roche in Accutane Trial
New Jersey Law Journal
A New Jersey jury has assessed $2.62 million in damages against Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. and its Swiss parent company in the first of 400 suits to be tried over the acne drug Accutane's propensity to cause inflammatory bowel disease. [read post]
1 Jun 2007, 9:22 am
From settlement to verdict: In New Jersey, an Accutane trial has resulted in a $2.6M award for inflammatory bowel disease, based on a failure to warn of the disease, according to Tom Lamb at his Drug Injury Watch;And finally a little weekend reading:From Kevin, M.D.: The best anti-smoking ad ever created.From Sheila Scheuerman at TortsProf, top 10 downloads for papers posted on the Social Science Research Network for the last three months in the Journal of Torts & Products… [read post]
28 May 2007, 7:13 am
In re Accutane Product Liability Litigation, MDL 1626, 2007 WL 1288354 (M.D. [read post]
10 Apr 2007, 11:52 am
Ted Frank at Point of Law has an interesting post on Accutane mass tort litigation for inflammatory bowel disease. [read post]
10 Apr 2007, 5:27 am
Hoffman-Roche "does not comment on pending litigation," but the plaintiffs lined up against it alleging Accutane (isotretinoin) is responsible for gastrointestinal diseases do, so the resulting National Law Journal article is remarkably one-sided, even omitting that the Accutane plaintiffs just... [read post]
10 Apr 2007, 1:14 am
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Consortium of Firms Working on Accutane Litigation
The National Law Journal
A lawyer representing people claiming that the acne drug Accutane ® caused them serious gastrointestinal diseases said a consortium of law firms is ready to try cases in Atlantic City, N.J., and Madison County, Ill., in April -- the first two cases of potentially hundreds to go to trial. [read post]
27 Mar 2007, 11:29 pm
Evid. 502 - an update (5/30/07)"Relatedness" assessments (In re Accutane) (5/28/07)Preemption lite (5/24/07)Riegel v. [read post]