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16 Aug 2011, 8:48 am by Phil
The following is from Alan Macek's [Dimock Stratton LLP] blog on Canadian intellectual property: Many of the intellectual properties proceedings in Canada are litigated in the Federal Court and Federal Court of Appeal. [read post]
26 Sep 2011, 2:24 pm by Emma Durand-Wood
Chang’s Canada-US Immigration Blog Franchise Law Blog (Nicholas Ramessar) Heintzman ADR (Thomas Heintzman) Ottawa Litigation  (Owen Bourns) Sandy’s Cersys Blog (Sandy Milne) Thomson, Rogers Blog Work in Progress: A Labour and Employment Law Blog (Siskinds LLP) Achieving Justice (Hergott Law) (Alan Macek) Canadian Workplace Legal Post (Marino Sveinson) Health Law in British North America (Ubaka Ogbogu) Thanks to everyone who submitted… [read post]
15 Jan 2014, 3:47 am
 The author of this note is Melanie Hayes, who describes herself in detail at the foot of this post.This is what Melanie has to say:A Federal Court of Canada default judgment from December of last year, Fox v Hernandez (not yet in public repositories but posted here via Alan Macek of Dimock Stratton) has awarded an injunction and an extremely large sum of damages to Twentieth Century Fox against an online pirate of Family Guy and The Simpsons.The Simpsons have a cat ...The… [read post]
26 Apr 2019, 11:10 am by Howard Knopf
(emphasis and underline added)Even if it could be argued the FCA’s decision with respect to copyright was technically obiter dicta in light of its findings under the Competition Act, the FCA’s reasons regarding copyright a very clear and detailed (see paras. 176-196) and were meant to have an effect.It will be interesting to see whether the Competition Bureau follows up on what appears to be a result that may be inconsistent with the Commissioner’s clear victory in the Federal… [read post]
29 Aug 2018, 1:56 pm by Howard Knopf
” Thanks to Alan Macek and his invaluable IPPractice site for facilitating this compilation. [read post]
4 Mar 2013, 1:46 pm by Howard Knopf
Alan Macek has already decried that we have not reverted to pre-hyphen days – so many may focus on the very name of the legislation.3. [read post]