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30 Sep 2013, 6:17 pm by Dennis
Follow me – @denniskennedyLinkedIn in One Hour for Lawyers (Second Edition), the new book from Allison Shields and me, is now available. [read post]
15 Mar 2012, 8:22 pm by admin
And it would be hard to imagine two better people than Dennis Kennedy and Allison Shields to make it unbelievably easy for even the most reluctant lawyer to get up-and-running as quickly as possible. [read post]
15 Mar 2012, 8:22 pm by admin
And it would be hard to imagine two better people than Dennis Kennedy and Allison Shields to make it unbelievably easy for even the most reluctant lawyer to get up-and-running as quickly as possible. [read post]
27 Feb 2012, 6:43 pm by admin
I’ve become a big fan of the (free) LinkedIn iPhone app.So much so that I’ve co-written with Allison Shields an article about how using the LinkedIn app can enhance the value of the value of your LinkedIn account. [read post]
27 Feb 2012, 6:43 pm by admin
I’ve become a big fan of the (free) LinkedIn iPhone app.So much so that I’ve co-written with Allison Shields an article about how using the LinkedIn app can enhance the value of the value of your LinkedIn account. [read post]
27 Feb 2012, 6:43 pm by admin
I’ve become a big fan of the (free) LinkedIn iPhone app.So much so that I’ve co-written with Allison Shields an article about how using the LinkedIn app can enhance the value of the value of your LinkedIn account. [read post]
27 Apr 2013, 6:07 pm by lennyesq
Allison Shields makes it easy to find and watch this year’s Big Ideas: The videos from this year’s LexThink.1 presentations have been posted. [read post]
27 Apr 2013, 6:07 pm by lennyesq
Allison Shields makes it easy to find and watch this year’s Big Ideas: The videos from this year’s LexThink.1 presentations have been posted. [read post]
22 Jun 2010, 2:27 pm by Sara Skiff
In this TechnoFeature article, law firm marketing expert Allison Shields explains how to evaluate your marketing programs by measuring their return on investment (ROI). [read post]
11 Sep 2012, 6:32 pm by admin
Follow me – @denniskennedyFacebook in One Hour for Lawyers, the new book from Allison Shields and me, is now available. [read post]
11 Sep 2012, 6:32 pm by admin
Follow me – @denniskennedyFacebook in One Hour for Lawyers, the new book from Allison Shields and me, is now available. [read post] Allison Shields As a young lawyer, it’s your responsibility to take charge of your career from the moment that you graduate from law school. [read post]
17 Oct 2013, 8:21 am by Legal Talk Network
Authors Dennis Kennedy and Allison Shields monitored the developments and began conducting new experiments to uncover new ways to utilize lawyers’ top social media platform. [read post]
10 Jan 2008, 12:01 pm
There's more commentary--to your right and below--including Allison Shields', and her fine post "Even More Talk About Pricing". [read post]
10 Aug 2021, 6:57 am by Dennis Kennedy
Allison Shields Johs and I are having a quick “back-to-school” sale on the Kindle version of our book, Make LinkedIn Work for You: A Practical Guide for Lawyers and Oher Legal Professionals, until the end of the day on August 12, 2021. [read post]