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6 Jul 2022, 3:30 am by Allison Brownell Tirres
Amanda Frost, “By Accident of Birth”: The Battle over Birthright Citizenship After United States v. [read post]
14 Feb 2022, 1:27 am by Immigration Prof
Wong Kim Ark by Amanda Frost, Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2021 Abstract In theory, birthright citizenship has been well established... [read post]
22 Sep 2011, 10:49 pm by Sabrina
The Digital Revolution and Higher Education College Presidents, Public Differ on Value of Online Learning, By Kim Parker, Amanda Lenhart... [read post]
15 Nov 2021, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
  In January 2021, Amanda Frost’s book You Are Not American: Citizenship Stripping from Dred Scott to the Dreamers, included a chapter on Wong Kim Ark with yet more revelations. [read post]
26 Jan 2017, 4:31 am by Immigration Prof
Seung Min Kim on Politico has a nice summary of the orders and the challenges that they... [read post]
12 Dec 2011, 9:10 am by Gerard Magliocca
It contains terrific papers by Amanda Tyler, Ilya Somin, Alison LaCroix, Kim Roosevelt, Heidi Kitrosser, and Carlton Larson. [read post]
25 Feb 2008, 6:08 am
Despite the scandal surrounding Be Kind Rewind's relationship to The Amanda Show which has so far rendered BKR fan Kim Taylor Bennett a weeping puddle of catatonic trauma, some very very good things have come out of its sweding competition. [read post]
10 Nov 2021, 6:00 am by JB
This week at Balkinization we are hosting a symposium on Carol Nackenoff and Julie Novkov's new book, American by Birth: Wong Kim Ark and the Battle for Citizenship (University Press of Kansas, 2021). [read post]
28 Mar 2012, 5:09 am by Paralegal Mentor
s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1332796614&sr=1-Amanda Ellis on Twitter:  @AELLISLEGA Special Counsel on Twitter:  @PGHLAW.JOBS Guest post by Kim Wierzel: Paralegal Voice also thanks its sponsors: Redact-It, NALA...The Association of Paralegals and Legal Assistants, and Clio. [read post]
25 Jan 2011, 12:50 pm by William Mattar Law Firm
  It was great to partner up with the Amanda Hansen Foundation and Tops to spread the word about the importance of having a CO detector in every home.Hundreds of people lined up at Tops Friendly Markets on Niagara Street to get their FREE CO Detectors.Tops Store Manager, Mike Shanahan (Left) presents a donation check to Kim and Ken Hansen, who established The Amanda Hansen Foundation in memory of their daughter.William Mattar (Right) presents a donation check to Ken… [read post]
20 Jan 2011, 9:39 am by Iowa Law Review
: The Crusade Against “Charitable” Hospitals Attacking Patients for Unpaid Bills Amanda W. [read post]
7 Mar 2013, 9:46 am
By: Amanda Glowacki I, like many others, have a guilty habit of looking at the tabloids in line at the supermarket. [read post]
19 Jan 2011, 5:29 am by Gerard Magliocca
”  The following are expected to attend this conference on April 1 (an appropriate day for a counterfactual event): David Fontana, George Washington Law School Heidi Kitrosser, Minnesota Law School Alison LaCroix, University of Chicago Law School Carlton Larson, UC Davis Law School Kim Roosevelt, University of Pennsylvania Law School Ilya Somin, George Mason Law School Amanda Tyler, George Washington Law School If you’re interested in attending, please contact… [read post]
9 Jun 2014, 7:30 am by Jonathan Bailey
Let me know via Twitter @plagiarismtoday. 1: News Corp Accuses Daily Mail Australia of Plagiarism First off today, Amanda Meade at The Guardian reports that New Crop Australia has sent a cease and desist letter to Daily Mail Australia, a new online competitor that comes from a rebinding of long-time rival Daily Mail Online as Daily Mail Australia. [read post]
2 Mar 2015, 4:00 am by Ray Dowd
@tkrumbineLakatos, Holly @hlakatosLambert, Greg @glambertLaughlin, Riva @laughlirLee, Grace @glee212Lee, Jootaek Juice @juice_leeLeers, Susanna @sleersLeiter, Richard @rleiterManion, Terrance @tkmanionMarshall, Stephanie @skmarshallMartin, Kim @LibMuseMatthews, Steve @stevematthewsMcAlpine, Michael @michaelmcalpineMcCurry, Liz @Liz_McCurryMcKenzie, Betsy @BetsyMcKenzieMecklem, Sue @susieredshoesMelnick, Deb @debemelMoore, Wendy @wemooreMullan, James @jimmy1712Mulvihill, Abbie… [read post]
27 Apr 2011, 8:26 pm by Alexa Silverman
”  The “Amanda” was made by ShoeDazzle, an e-commerce site promoted by Kim Kardashian. [read post]
5 Feb 2018, 12:10 pm by S Thompson
We are also pleased to announce that on December 2, 2017, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds announced the appointment of Sullivan & Ward, P.C. [read post]
15 Nov 2023, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
Campaign Finance Delaware: “How Hall-Long’s Refusal to Release Audit Findings Sparked Elections Reform Talks” by Amanda Fries (Delaware News Journal) for Yahoo News National: “Ex-Fundraiser for George Santos Pleads Guilty to Posing as Congressional Aide to Raise Campaign Cash” by Dave Collins for Associated Press News Elections Georgia: “Ex-Trump Allies Detail Efforts to Overturn Election in Georgia Plea Videos” by Amy… [read post]