Search for: "Amgen Inc. v. Apotex Inc." Results 1 - 20 of 43
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8 Nov 2016, 8:23 pm by Kate Howard
The petition of the day is: Apotex Inc. v. [read post]
7 Sep 2010, 6:10 pm by Kelly
Highlights this week included: CAFC: Disclosure that merely allows PHOSITA to ‘envision’ the claimed invention fails written description: Goeddel v Sugano (Peter Zura’s 271 Patent Blog) (Patently-O) (Patent Prospector) Evista (Raloxifene) – US: CAFC upholds decision against Teva: Eli Lilly & Co v Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc (Patent Docs) (The IP Factor) Aranesp (Darbepoetin) – EU: ECJ says ‘no’ to Kirin Amgen,… [read post]
4 Mar 2016, 12:25 pm by Dennis Crouch
Apotex Inc., No. 15-281 Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. [read post]
18 Sep 2016, 6:03 pm by Dennis Crouch
  Another new petition includes the BPCIA case Apotex v. [read post]
13 Oct 2016, 6:50 am by Dennis Crouch
Amgen Inc., et al., No. 16-332 (effectively extending exclusivity to 12 1/2 years; complement to the Sandoz petition) Eligibility: Trading Technologies International, Inc. v. [read post]
18 Apr 2016, 9:58 am by Dennis Crouch
Amgen Inc., et al., No. 15-1039 (Does the notice requirement of the BPCIA create an effective six-month exclusivity post-FDA approval?) [read post]
3 Jun 2016, 6:40 am by Dennis Crouch
Amgen Inc., et al., No. 15-1039 (Does the notice requirement of the BPCIA create an effective six-month exclusivity post-FDA approval?) [read post]
28 Sep 2016, 8:39 am by Dennis Crouch
Amgen Inc., et al., No. 16-332 (effectively extending exclusivity to 12 1/2 years; complement to the Sandoz petition) Mylan Pharmaceuticals, et al. v. [read post]
17 Oct 2008, 1:32 pm
Proposed EU information laws on prescription drugs (IPmed) Iceland: Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs) in Iceland (The SPC blog) India: Roche implements 'mass serialisation' anti-counterfeiting technology (Spicy IP) Indonesia: Patent application on oil palm hybrids (navigating the patent maze) United States: New PMCA research: State legislative proposals restricting access to generic medicines would increase cost $29 billion over 10 years (GenericsWeb) US: Pharmaceutical… [read post]
14 Nov 2016, 9:16 am by Dennis Crouch
R. 50 JMOL motion) BPCIA – Notice of Commercial Marketing: Apotex Inc., et al. v. [read post]
3 Jun 2009, 5:49 am
You can separately subscribe to the IP Think Tank Global Week in Review at the Subscribe page: []   Highlights this week included: Singulair (Montelukast) – US: Merck & Co’s Singulair patent challenged on $50K bounty (Patent Baristas) (GenericsWeb)   General Docs at BIO (Panel addresses narrowing scope of biotech patents – Patent Docs), (‘Perfect storm’ super session – Patent Docs) (Biotech… [read post]