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13 Aug 2018, 6:20 am by Ezra Rosser
News Coverage: Amy MacKinnon, Robbie Gramer, & Simon Ostrovsky, Internal Documents Show How Trump Administration Misled Public on Poverty,, August 2, 2018. [read post]
23 May 2015, 4:00 am by Gerry W. Beyer
Naomi Cahn (Professor of Law, George Washington University Law School) & Amy Ziettlow (Affiliate Scholar, Institute for American Value) recently published an article entitled,'Making Things Fair': An Empirical Study of How People Approach the Wealth Transmission System, 22 Elder L.J.... [read post]
12 Sep 2009, 5:17 pm
Amy Bach has written a promising book entitled Ordinary Injustice: How America Holds Court. [read post]
19 Dec 2022, 12:17 pm by Irina Manta
Hear Amy's top advice on how to get over every sort of break-up and leave narcissistic abuse behind. [read post]
17 Jan 2011, 11:28 am by Usha Rodrigues
Like many Glommers, I've been following with interest the debate sparked by Amy Chua's Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior piece. [read post]
10 Apr 2015, 3:45 pm by Andrew
Those will tell whether he was driving too many hours (and therefore fatigued), how fast he was going at the time, whether he tried to brake, etc. [read post]
18 Apr 2022, 2:00 am by Katharine Van Tassel
Amy Blake (Texas Tech University), How a New Farm Bill with a Twist on Conservation Easements Can Save the Environment and the Family Farm, SSRN (2022): Have you ever considered how tax law impacts the environment? [read post]
6 Jun 2023, 4:30 am by Guest Author
But OIRA would do well to recognize just how frequently this may turn out to be the case. [read post]
15 Jun 2022, 10:00 am by Paul Caron
Amy Soled (Rutgers), How COVID-19 Made Me a Better Teacher, 34 The Second Draft 1 (2021): COVID-19 has caused havoc in the world as we know it, altering every aspect of life, including education. [read post]
3 Aug 2011, 9:50 am
Trouble British singer Amy Winehouse's passing brought much news media attention to her use of drugs, including the song she wrote about not attending rehab. [read post]
1 Nov 2020, 12:09 pm by Howard Bashman
“Brett Kavanaugh Is About to Get a Lot More Powerful; The confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett recenters the court around him, not Chief Justice Roberts”: Law professor Noah Feldman has this essay online at Bloomberg Opinion, along with an essay titled “How Amy Coney Barrett Could End Up Deciding the Election; It all comes down to Pennsylvania. [read post]
16 May 2023, 10:28 am by Howard Bashman
Lamont stands by CT Supreme Court nominee as she faces criticism over Amy Coney Barrett support” appeared first on How Appealing. [read post]
1 Oct 2020, 8:16 am by Howard Bashman
” Barbara Sprunt of NPR reports that “How Amy Coney Barrett’s Confirmation Would Compare To Past Supreme Court Picks. [read post]
Amie Siegel — Assistant Professor of Visual and Environmental Studies at Harvard University — discusses and shows works from her “My Way” series. [read post]
5 Dec 2023, 1:23 pm by Rick Hasen
Here’s the introduction and summary of argument from this just-filed amicus brief in the NetChoice cases on behalf of political scientist Brendan Nyhan, journalism professor Amy Wilentz, and me, written by me and Nat Bach (a former UCLA… Continue reading The post New Amicus Brief Filed in Supreme Court in NetChoice Social Media Cases (on Behalf of Brendan Nyhan, Amy Wilentz, and Me) on How Texas and Florida’s Social Media Laws Raise the Risk of Election… [read post]
16 Mar 2011, 10:40 pm by Sabrina
How mobile devices are changing community information environments, by Kristen Purcell, Lee Rainie, Tom Rosenstiel, Amy Mitchell, Mar 14, 2011... [read post]
1 Mar 2018, 9:00 pm by Workplace Prof
How does the NLRB typically do statutory interpretation? [read post]
4 Jul 2018, 11:40 am by Amy Howe
The best insight into how Barrett might rule as a Supreme Court justice likely comes from her academic scholarship, an area in which she has been prolific. [read post]