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1 Dec 2014, 12:21 pm by Nate Russell
” Bellicose terms like “A Litigators Arsenal” abound in the world of litigation, and comparison between legal and martial strategy and theory can get pretty deep (e.g. think Antonin Pribetic and his paper on strategic functionalism and Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, which preceded his award-winning blog, Trial Warrior). [read post]
6 Jan 2014, 4:00 am by Administrator
The Trial Warrior – A Judicial Do-Over – Antonin Pribetic gives a thoughtful analysis of the different roles of trial and appellate courts within the legal system, taking a particular look at s.96 of the Ontario Courts of Justice Act. [read post]
3 Nov 2013, 9:01 pm by George M. Wallace
Among the memorials posted to Ed on the day his death was announced, I particularly recommend that of his fellow Canadian, Antonin Pribetic, at The Trial Warrior Blog. [read post]
3 Nov 2013, 9:01 pm by George M. Wallace
Among the memorials posted to Ed on the day his death was announced, I particularly recommend that of his fellow Canadian, Antonin Pribetic, at The Trial Warrior Blog. [read post]
30 May 2013, 12:44 pm by Charon QC
  Informm Blog considered this in their excellent weekly round up: Law and Media Round Up – 27 May 2013 And – Antonin Pribetic, writing from Canada, wrote a thought provoking piece on the matter as a guest on my own blog:  McAlpine v. [read post]
30 May 2013, 12:44 pm by Charon QC
  Informm Blog considered this in their excellent weekly round up: Law and Media Round Up – 27 May 2013 And – Antonin Pribetic, writing from Canada, wrote a thought provoking piece on the matter as a guest on my own blog:  McAlpine v. [read post]
29 Nov 2012, 4:20 am by SHG
  Lawprofs have laid bare their souls for the honor of being able to claim they are the sexiest academic in the blawgosphere, while n00bs have grasped their eminence to pontificate about how they make their magic happen.In some jesting on twitter by Mark Bennett yesterday, the Trial Warrior, Antonin Pribetic, who masquerades as a Canadian blawger named Edith, offered a simple truth in moment of uncommon clarity (not uncommon for Nino, but for twitter): @MarkWBennett… [read post]
30 Oct 2012, 12:50 pm by Charon QC
We share our common law heritage with many former colonies, territories, protectorates and dependencies  throughout the world and Commonwealth Antonin Pribetic,  a Canadian lawyer and enthusiastic blogger (The Trial Warrior blog) considers a rather important difference of opinion from the justices of the UKSC and SCC and has given  permission to me to publish his recent blog post. [read post]
21 Oct 2012, 10:16 am by Charon QC
The last two weeks of planning since my move to Kent have been both enjoyable and productive. [read post]
16 Jul 2012, 3:00 am by Ted Folkman
Esteemed fellow blogger Antonin Pribetic and I have discussed this issue on several occasions, for example, in the comments to the post on Progressive Southeastern Insurance v. [read post]
7 Jul 2012, 3:40 am by SHG
  At a blog called Call Me Bookish, twitted by Antonin Pribetic, a review by Kelly (who I've deliberately sought not to know any better than her name) tells of a friend from her tribe who took issue with her review of something involving Abraham Lincoln and vampires (which I've deliberately chosen not to read, both because it sounds awful and I don't want to be prejudiced by content). [read post]
30 May 2012, 8:02 am by Charon QC
HUNT THE DRINKING & SMOKING LOBSTER COMPETITION In Part 4 – the last of my reviews – I am hiding a picture of a  lobster that smokes and drinks in one of Parts 1-3 of UK Blawg Review #10 from earlier in the week. [read post]
1 May 2012, 3:03 am by Charon QC
Canadian lawyer Antonin Pribetic follows up with a very thorough and comprehensive survey of the world of legal blogging and includes some well known UK law blogs. [read post]