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2 Feb 2007, 6:52 am
"Below please find this month's specific new content that has been added to HeinOnline.... [read post]
8 Oct 2006, 1:10 pm
The United States charged that as lawyers, "not farmers or factory workers," they must have recognized that their technical justifications for avoiding the application of the Hague and Geneva Conventions were unavailing, because these conventions were "recognized by all civilized nations, and were regarded as being declaratory of the laws and customs of war. [read post]
21 Apr 2006, 8:20 am
While the lessons learned apply to all attorneys, these best practices are especially applicable for women attorneys. 1) Create your own personal board of directors: This idea was suggested by Jan Anne Dubin, Director of Client Relations at DLA Piper Rudnick, Gray, Cary at our last associate Web seminar. [read post]