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21 Dec 2009, 12:16 pm by Larry Munn
However, the Court noted that the coating could be produced in many colours and, following the decision of the Federal Court in Smith, Kline & French Canada Ltd. v. [read post]
12 Apr 2009, 1:47 am
, and that is the bane of environmentalists, we are now told that Tata has filed over 30 patent applications. [read post]
1 Mar 2009, 12:57 am
Kline and the editors at IDEA were unaware of the 2001 article in IPT. [read post]
11 Feb 2009, 6:27 am
Kline of Kline Law Office, PC, Cheyenne, Wyoming.Representing Appellee Ellis: Paul J. [read post]
9 Feb 2009, 6:41 am
Kline, Esq., for contributing this entry and for his on-going analysis of the concerns of Madoff stakeholders) [read post]
27 Jan 2009, 2:18 pm
Kline, Esq., for contributing this entry and for his on-going analysis of the concerns of Madoff stakeholders) [read post]
8 Oct 2008, 11:50 am
Smith, Kline & French Laboratories, 447 So.2d 1301, 1303 (Ala. 1984).California: Carlin v. [read post]
1 Nov 2007, 12:18 am
Stuart Weinberg had an AP piece on the injunction issued against implementation of the USPTO rules on continuing applications, which article included the text:"It's a good day for innovators in this country because the new rules would have stifled innovation," GlaxoSmith-Kline's lawyer, John Desmarais, told Dow Jones Newswires.(...)A Patent and Trademark Office spokeswoman, Brigid Quinn, said in an e-mailed statement that the proposed rules "are part of a… [read post]
24 Sep 2007, 12:22 pm
View the article here03/05/2006Scapegoats and ShunningBy "PARIAH"Progressives in America are rightly concerned about increasing signs of fascism in this country, such as a so-called war on terrorism that allows massive invasion of privacy and wholesale imprisonment without charge; such as state manufacture of propaganda for its own people; such as the assertion that anyone who challenges government policies on these matters is a traitor; such as a "great leader" who puts himself… [read post]
6 Jul 2007, 4:29 am
We've already deplored the recent decision of the West Virginia Supreme Court rejecting the learned intermediary rule outright, State ex rel. [read post]
28 Jun 2007, 10:16 am
You conclude there's enough time left on the patent, not by a lot but enough, to justify spending the money for those studies.So unlike a lot of manufacturers and a lot of off-label uses, you the drug company undertake the time and expense of a supplemental new drug application for this use. [read post]
24 May 2007, 10:40 am
., that state law would not require warnings in Spanish where the FDA required only English language warnings:[W]e reject plaintiff's attempt to place on nonprescription drug manufacturers a duty to warn that is broader in scope and more onerous than that currently imposed by applicable statutes and regulations. the FDA has stressed that "it is in the best interest of the consumer, industry, and the marketplace to have uniformity in the presentation and clarity of message" in… [read post]
19 Apr 2007, 8:06 am
Other gender issues that tend to arise include lengths of hair that are applicable only to male employees. [read post]
24 Mar 2007, 8:47 am
Morrison, district attorney, and Phill Kline, attorney general, were with him on the brief for appellee. [read post]
31 Jan 2007, 4:24 am
Kline of Kline Law Office, PC, Cheyenne, Wyoming.Issues: Appellant/Plaintiff: Whether the district court erred in refusing to accept the agreement of counsel allowing Platt additional time to respond to defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment when the response was complete and the agreed extension did not interfere with the time table in the Scheduling Order. [read post]
19 Apr 2006, 7:38 am
Thomas Marten of the Federal District Court for the District of Kansas ruled yesterday (April 18, 2006) in a case that sought to prevent enforcement of Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline's application of the state mandatory reporting statute, Kan. [read post]