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27 Apr 2021, 9:15 am by James Nurton
It filed the EUTM application, for various goods and services in classes 9, 16, 28 and 41, in April 2010 and the mark was registered in 2011. [read post]
19 Apr 2021, 9:04 am by Amy Howe
The justices will meet for their private conference again on Friday, April 23. [read post]
18 Apr 2021, 3:39 am
Standard YouTube LicenceJane Lambert Patents Court (Mr Justice Mellor) Cabo Concepts Ltd v MGA Entertainment (UK) Ltd and another  [2021] EWHC 491 (Pat) (4 March 2021)Yesterday I mentioned the cake wars between Marks & Spencer and Aldi over caterpillar cakes (see Jane Lambert Cake Wars 17 April 2021 NIPC News). [read post]
15 Apr 2021, 3:40 pm
Tamir Rice (12) was shot and killed in November 2014 in Cleveland, Ohio when police saw him with a toy gun. [read post]
15 Apr 2021, 7:32 am by John Elwood
(relisted after the April 1 conference) Allen v. [read post]
14 Mar 2021, 7:52 am by Annsley Merelle Ward
  Cabo attempted to launch its product 2-3 months later in April/May 2017 by arranging for [and Merpel hates that this is now a thing] a "child influencer" to review the toy on YouTube. [read post]
26 Feb 2021, 7:16 am by Dan Harris
We have been getting quite a lot of these sorts of emails lately In April of this year, the Wall Street Journal quoted me in a cover story, Trade Deal Alone Won’t Fix Strained U.S. [read post]
20 Dec 2020, 9:56 am by Eleonora Rosati
In this case, the Hungarian applicant sought to register a gömböc as a shape trade mark covering toys and “decorative items”. [read post]
15 Sep 2020, 2:28 pm by Patricia Hughes
A quick reminder: in its April 2019 budget, the Ontario government announced it would require gas station operators to post stickers on their gas pumps, which purported to show the increase in the price of gas because of the federal fuel charge. [read post]
14 Sep 2020, 5:24 pm
  He does not just talk the talk; he collects bills from all over the world, places them with precision in his toy cash register, releases them only to demand their immediate return, and accurately matches the names of historical figures with the bills on which they appear.I hope that one of the bills that eventually finds its way into his collection is Japan’s new 10,000 yen note—roughly equivalent to $100 at current exchange rates—scheduled for release in… [read post]
21 Aug 2020, 5:32 pm by Dean I. Weitzman, Esq.
At the end of April, six weeks after the COVID-19 shutdown began in Pennsylvania, a client was working in his son’s home and fell down the stairs as he went to another floor to get a document off a printer. [read post]
15 Aug 2020, 4:05 am by Nedim Malovic
This finding was relevant since it led to the conclusion that the marks in question do not have inherent or acquired distinctiveness.BackgroundWith four applications filed with the IPO in May and April 2016, the Appellant – Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) – sought to register the following shapes of the Land Rover Defender cars:Registration was sought for goods and services in Classes 9 (computer hardware, firmware or software), 12 (vehicles), 14 (horological and chronometric… [read post]
21 May 2020, 6:44 am by Rohit De
This was not what I had expected I’d be writing about when I was invited to invite to join the Legal History blog as a guest blogger in April 2020.I was eager to use the opportunity to work through theoretical and methodological questions that were arising out of my current research project which seeks to write an alternate international history of radical lawyering emerging from Asia and Africa in the 1950s, by following a network of civil liberties lawyers as they navigate colonial… [read post]
17 May 2020, 8:14 am
The second is the Joint civil society statement: States use of digital surveillance technologies to fight pandemic must respect human rights (2 April 2020) delivered by Amnesty International,  to which more than 100 additional civil society groups signed on. [read post]
17 May 2020, 2:57 am by Anastasiia Kyrylenko
In this case, involving dog toys and Jack Daniels whiskey, the Court expanded the so-called Rogers test, so that it applies not only to expressive works that clearly belong to this category, such as (films, songs or video games, but also to dog toys. [read post]
7 May 2020, 10:04 am by Amanda Shanor
A law, for example, may treat optometrists and ophthalmologists (or government-backed versus private-backed debts) differently, or it may regulate the advertising of cigarettes, say, but not ads for toys, without triggering strict scrutiny. [read post]
27 Apr 2020, 11:34 am by Steve Brachmann
On April 20, international IP firm Rouse announced the positive results of a patent infringement case brought in Chinese courts on behalf of Spin Master, a Canadian children’s toy and entertainment firm. [read post]