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15 May 2015, 1:29 pm by Patricia Salkin
Judge Braden’s decision relied heavily on a 2012 Supreme Court case, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission v. [read post]
3 May 2015, 9:01 pm by Marci A. Hamilton
The propaganda behind the RFRAs as simple enforcement of the First Amendment has been exposed in the fights over the extreme RFRAs in Mississippi, Indiana, and Arkansas, as it should be. [read post]
15 Apr 2015, 9:01 pm by Marci A. Hamilton
Such bills were introduced in Arizona, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Indiana, as I discuss here and here. [read post]
29 Mar 2015, 9:00 pm by Marci A. Hamilton
Mississippi was the first to take a RFRA in that direction, but the freshly signed Indiana RFRA and the pending Arkansas RFRA share the same feature. [read post]
6 Jan 2015, 11:08 pm by Embajador Microjuris al Día
Los estados que impiden que ateos aspiren a cargos públicos son Arkansas, Maryland, Mississippi, Carolina del Norte, Carolina del Sur, Tennessee y Texas. [read post]
26 Nov 2014, 4:20 am by Howard Friedman
Yesterday federal district courts in two more states-- Arkansas and Mississippi-- struck down state bans on same-sex marriage. [read post]
7 Nov 2014, 5:52 am
Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc., 949 F.2d 806, 814 (5th Cir. 1992) (applying Mississippi law), which you can find later in this post.What happens when a heeding presumption is imposed concerning a risk warning? [read post]
15 Oct 2014, 7:02 am
Fayetteville, AK: University of Arkansas Press, 2006. [read post]
13 Oct 2014, 10:23 am by Bill
The history of the jurisprudence surrounding women's health issues -- or rather, the history of state legislation in the years following Casey v. [read post]
22 Jul 2014, 9:30 pm by Karen Tani
New from the University Press of Mississippi: The Southern Manifesto: Massive Resistance and the Fight to Preserve Segregation, by John Kyle Day (University of Arkansas at Monticello). [read post]
18 Jul 2014, 11:55 am
April 29, 2010).ArkansasThe Eighth Circuit has twice held that Arkansas law rejects innovator liability. [read post]