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29 Jan 2022, 8:34 am by Mark Astarita
____The attorneys at Sallah Astarita & Cox, LLC are former SEC Senior staff attorneys and counsel to brokerage firms, private funds, and investment advisors. [read post]
26 Jan 2022, 1:50 pm by Mark Astarita
 GWG Stock Declines Over 50%The price of the Company's shares have fallen from $9.90 a share to $4.02 a share in January of this year, closing at $4.02 a share on January 26, 2022.Investigations and Arbitrations These events have caused many investors to question whether the brokerage firms who recommended the share for investment performed adequate due diligence on the company before making the recommendations and the accuracy of the financial statements published by the GWG.Further… [read post]