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26 Sep 2014, 10:48 am by Austin Williams
Austin (AA): Austin Martin Williams, Coordinator of Research Instructional Services   AQ: How long have you been at Georgia State University College of Law Library? [read post]
14 Oct 2009, 1:49 pm
" "William Wayne Justice, Judge Who Remade Texas, Dies at 89," is the title of the New York Times obituary written by Douglas Martin. [read post]
8 Jul 2014, 8:06 am by Lindsay Stafford Mader
The State Bar of Texas recently welcomed new members to its board of directors at the 2014 Annual Meeting held in Austin on June 26-27, 2014. [read post]
29 Jan 2017, 6:42 am by Gritsforbreakfast
Later, Tyler's mayor Martin Hines reached out to the former Miami Dolphns star, offering to let Williams stay in his personal family home the next time he's in town. [read post]
10 Dec 2009, 7:54 am by Steve Hall
Martin asked that current attorney William Carter continue as his counsel during the appeals process. [read post]
30 Mar 2015, 10:10 am by Austin Williams
Reference GRA applicants: Email one document which includes a 1) cover letter, 2) current resume, and 3) completed availability form to Austin Martin Williams ( [read post]
17 Nov 2015, 6:18 am by Jim Sedor
Lobbying Arizona: “Lobbying Records Only Disclose Recipient for $1 Out of Every $8 Spent” by Justin Price for Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting Texas: “Travis County Has No Rules for Registering Lobbyists” by Sean Collins Walsh for Austin American-Statesman Campaign Finance “Clinton, Bush Lawyers Square Off in FEC Proxy War” by Isaac Arnsdorf and Theodoric Meyer for Politico Alaska: “Group Files Federal Lawsuit Challenging Alaska Campaign… [read post]
14 Mar 2016, 4:00 am by Amy Starnes
Bunt, Longview Bruce Stuart Campbell, Fort Worth Brian Heath Crockett, Houston Misty Lea Cunningham, Denton Richard William Espey, San Antonio John Blaise Gsanger, Corpus Christi William Wade Hoke, Houston Lannie Todd Kelly, Austin Wade D. [read post]
14 Mar 2016, 4:00 am by Amy Starnes
Bunt, Longview Bruce Stuart Campbell, Fort Worth Brian Heath Crockett, Houston Misty Lea Cunningham, Denton Richard William Espey, San Antonio John Blaise Gsanger, Corpus Christi William Wade Hoke, Houston Lannie Todd Kelly, Austin Wade D. [read post]
2 Jul 2019, 7:43 am by Adam Faderewski
Fooding in Austin State Bar of Texas Public Information Director Amy Starnes, State Bar Pro Bono Programs Administrator Hannah Allison, Web Content Specialist Jennifer Dunham, and Texas Bar Journal Assistant Editor Eric Quitugua discuss barbecue, doughnuts, and their favorite Austin eateries. [read post]
2 Jul 2019, 7:43 am by Adam Faderewski
Fooding in Austin State Bar of Texas Public Information Director Amy Starnes, State Bar Pro Bono Programs Administrator Hannah Allison, Web Content Specialist Jennifer Dunham, and Texas Bar Journal Assistant Editor Eric Quitugua discuss barbecue, doughnuts, and their favorite Austin eateries. [read post]
5 Nov 2011, 3:43 pm by S2KM Limited
The National Structured Settlement Trade Association (NSSTA) hosted one of its best-ever educational programs November 2-4, 2011 in Austin, Texas. [read post]
20 Jan 2011, 3:15 am by Garry J. Wise, Wise Law Office, Toronto
George Tiller.-- June 2009: A Holocaust denier and right-wing tax protester named James Von Brunn opens fire at the Holocaust Museum, killing a security guard.-- February 2010: An angry tax protester named Joseph Ray Stack flies an airplane into the building housing IRS offices in Austin, Texas. [read post]
5 Feb 2025, 9:01 pm by Austin Sarat
Sadly, it is an integral part of America’s death penalty system.There, cruelty abounds, as it did in the Bowman case, long before anyone is executed.Follow @ljstprof Austin Sarat is the William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Science at Amherst College. [read post]
11 Feb 2015, 8:22 am by Jules M. Haas
In a post at on February 3, 2015, Austin Siegemund-Broka reports on a family dispute erupting with regard to the estate of Robin Williams. [read post]
12 May 2011, 6:19 am by David Oscar Markus
.; Neal, Austin; Wanek, Brian N.; Long, J Craig; Howell, Chanley T.; Harper, C. [read post]