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16 Jul 2020, 6:02 pm by Daphne Keller
But courts do the interpreting under the court order standard, so diversity of state laws is not the issue.) [read post]
15 Jul 2020, 3:50 pm by A. Brian Albritton
Dear Readers:Just recently, the Eleventh Circuit largely overturned the District Court’s decision in US and State of Florida ex re Ruckh v. [read post]
25 May 2020, 10:30 am by Guest Blogger
They’re nationalists, not idiots.)A people is more than an ephemeral numerical majority – but the way to show that is not to bang on about one’s blood or Spartanness, but to win elections. [read post]
14 May 2020, 3:41 pm by Y. Douglas Yang
 As previously reported in Employee Privacy by Design: Guidance for Employers Beginning to Comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act and Big Bang! [read post]
30 Apr 2020, 5:06 pm
  Really trying to finish April off with a bang, eh? [read post]
30 Jan 2020, 1:06 pm by Stephen Wm. Smith
” As applied to older technologies, the rule contemplates that a tracking device may be a mechanical tool used to track the movement of a tangible object., like the beeper attached to a container of chloroform in United States v. [read post]
31 Dec 2019, 12:41 pm
As the title of Ovid's work, late 14c., Metamorphoseos, from Latin Metamorphoses (plural).transform (v.)mid-14c., "change the form of" (transitive), from Old French transformer (14c.), from Latin transformare "change in shape, metamorphose," from trans "across, beyond" (see trans-) + formare "to form" (see form (v.)). [read post]
29 Dec 2019, 7:23 pm
While 2020 will likely be the year in which the climax events of 2019 will play themselves out, the year 2019 was in many ways the year of the "big bang" for the third decade of the 21st century.Indeed, 2019 was rich with rupture-climax events. [read post]
28 Dec 2019, 8:33 am
While 2020 will likely be the year in which the climax events of 2019 will play themselves out, the year 2019 was in many ways the year of the "big bang" for the third decade of the 21st century.Indeed, 2019 was rich with rupture-climax events. [read post]
27 Dec 2019, 2:31 pm
  This was also the year of the rise of the core of leadership--in Turkey, Russia, China, the United States, Germany, and France. [read post]
27 Dec 2019, 7:55 am
” This overbroad formulation is a far cry from the definition set forth by the Supreme Court in Davis v. [read post]
16 Nov 2019, 4:00 am by SHG
This will now change, due to the new bail law rushed through the state lege. [read post]