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27 Sep 2012, 5:00 am by Ruth Carter
Jeff Moriarty and Evo Terra of ePublish Unum who taught me almost everything  I know about self-publishing Scott Sigler and A Kovacs for your support and suggestions My copy editor Deborah Bancroft My cover art designer Aaron Wood Beth Hutchens for doing the legal review Thank you to everyone else who helped me along the way. [read post]
24 Feb 2011, 11:22 am by LTA-Editor
Beth Hutchens at IP Watchdog has excellent coverage of the Palin trademark issue. [read post]
3 Jan 2011, 5:21 pm by Gene Quinn
Cumbow Scott Daniels Staci Dresher Tracy-Gene Durkin Jeffery Fougere Eric Guttag Michelle Holoubek Beth Hutchens Michael Kasdan Renee Kaswan Ron Katznelson, Ph.D. [read post]
30 Nov 2010, 2:15 pm by Gene Quinn
Cumbow Scott Daniels Staci Dresher Tracy-Gene Durkin Jeffery Fougere Eric Guttag Michelle Holoubek Beth Hutchens Michael Kasdan Ron Katznelson, Ph.D. [read post]