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2 Dec 2015, 1:13 pm by Lawrence B. Ebert
The Kitch prospect theory is mentioned: On the other hand, work dating back atleast to Kitch (1977) has argued patents may facilitate investment and technology transfers across firms (Arora,1995; Arora, Fosfuri and Gambardella, 2001; Kieff, 2001; Gans, Hsu and Stern, 2002, 2008), which may increaseincentives for follow-on research and commercialization.There are 19 internal citations to papers involving LemleyLemley (2001) p43Lemley (2008) p22Lemley and Sampat (2008) p2, p36, p36, p38,… [read post]
10 Jan 2013, 7:35 am by Lisa Larrimore Ouellette
Amy Kapczynski (Yale Law), Chan Park (Medicines Patent Pool), and Bhaven Sampat (Columbia Public Health) address these questions in their new PLOS ONE article, Polymorphs and Prodrugs and Salts (Oh My!) [read post]
2 Dec 2015, 10:08 am by Lisa Larrimore Ouellette
Bhaven Sampat (Columbia Public Health) and Heidi Williams (MIT Econ) are two economists whose work on innovation is always worth reading. [read post]
16 Feb 2011, 2:59 pm by pittlegalscholarship
Columbia Health Law and Society Scott Hemphill (Columbia Law) and Bhaven Sampat (Columbia Public Health) Earle Mack Kimberley Mutcherson (Rutgers-Camden Law) presents “Feel Like Making Babies? [read post]
26 Oct 2009, 6:25 am by Dennis Crouch
Mark Lemley and Bhaven Sampat have released a new working paper that uses PAIR data to draw some conclusions about the current patent system: Conclusion: The evidence illuminates the patent prosecution process as a continuing negotiation between examiner and applicant. [read post]
27 Jun 2011, 5:58 am by Lisa Larrimore Ouellette
This is the surprising result of a new empirical working paper by economists Scott Hemphill (Columbia Law) and Bhaven Sampat (Columbia Public Health), Evergreening, Patent Challenges, and Effective Market Life in Pharmaceuticals, which builds on their prior work in the area. [read post]
21 Mar 2014, 8:41 am by Guest Blogger
  I have been lucky enough to be assigned to comment on two wonderful papers on prizes and grants, the first by Michael Burstein and Fiona Murray, and the second by Bhaven Sampat. [read post]
18 Aug 2010, 1:19 pm by Dennis Crouch
Professors Mark Lemley, Chris Cotropia, and Bhaven Sampat recently released a draft of their new article titled “Do Applicant Patent Citations Matter? [read post]
10 Aug 2007, 6:51 am
., Lichtman, Douglas Gary and Sampat, Bhaven N., "What to do About Bad Patents" . [read post]
28 Mar 2009, 4:40 pm
Lemley* and Bhaven Sampat** BIO: * William H. [read post]