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19 Nov 2020, 11:27 am by Karen Gullo
“Our browsers leave traces of identifiable information when we visit websites, like animals might leave tracks in the wild, and that can be combined into a unique identifier that follows us online, like wildlife that’s been tagged,” said EFF Senior Staff Technologist Bill Budington. [read post]
14 Jan 2025, 5:18 pm by Melissa Srago
Learn how you can advocate for your digital rights and the resources available to you with our panel featuring EFF Senior Investigative Researcher Beryl Lipton, EFF Senior Staff Technologist Bill Budington, EFF Legislative Director Lee Tien, and EFF Senior Policy Analyst Joe Mullin. [read post]
8 Aug 2022, 9:51 am by Aaron Jue
 The panel is on Tuesday, August 9 at 14:00 with speakers EFF Director of Consumer Privacy Engineering Andrés Arrieta, EFF Senior Staff Technologist Bill Budington, EFF Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel Kurt Opsahl, Stanton Legal Fellow Mukund Rathi, and EFF Staff Attorney Hannah Zhao. [read post]
17 Dec 2015, 10:24 am by Rebecca Jeschke
“Online data-gatherers use tactics that are complex, subtle, and ever-evolving,” said EFF Software Engineer Bill Budington. [read post]
26 Oct 2023, 11:10 am by Christian Romero
” Alexandra accepting her award Introducing the next award winner, EFF Senior Staff Technologist Bill Budington spoke about the need for the Library Freedom Project (LFP), who are creating a network of values-driven librarian-activists to build information democracy. [read post]
18 Apr 2014, 1:32 pm by Rainey Reitman and Rainey Reitman
Bill Budington, our staff technologist, who single-handedly wrote our congress-forms tool and without whom none of this would have happened. [read post]
23 Dec 2024, 8:08 am by Josh Richman
It did so anyway” (Brendan Gilligan)  Deseret News, Nov. 30: “Opinion: Students’ tech skills should be nurtured, not punished” (Bill Budington and Alexis Hancock)  And if you’re seeking some informative listening during the holidays, EFFers joined a slew of podcasts in 2024, including:  National Constitution Center’s We the People, Jan. 25: “Unpacking the Supreme Court’s Tech Term” (David Greene)  What the… [read post]